This is a stick post that aims to collect links to posts with example patches and scores, that can be useful over time as posts get old and get dumped down the list. They all contain patches and working examples. This is in addition to Max/Pd tutorials in the official package and the Antescofo Reference page.
Automatic Accompaniment with Antescofo and SuperVP HOW-TO
Synchronization Strategies
by @echeveste
Antescofo Advanced Language Examples (NIM, Arrays, Functions, etc.)
by @fernandez
Sublime Text Antescofo Plugin
by @acont and @juliablondeau
EMACS Editor Mode Syntax Coloring for Antescofo
by @pierre
Score Access Methods
Description of startfromlabel, scrubtolabel, etc.
Tracking User-Defined Input / Tabla Example
Following Multiple Targets / Jump Example