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Following Multiple Targets / Suivi à cibles multiples

Can we have a score as an aggregation of fragments (imagining sufficiently distinct patterns distinguishable by the listening machine) to be declared by Antescofo, in de-temporalized distinct spaces, where the possibility of the score "multiplies" and detected by Antescofo?At a given time, Antescofo is focused on one possibility and at another time 'n', it becomes a linear score.


Est-ce qu'on pourrait imaginer avoir un ensemble de fragments de partitions possibles (imaginons une quinzaine suffisamment distincts pour ne pas tromper la machine d'écoute) qui soient déclarés dans antescofo, dans une sorte "d'espace détemporalisé" ou plutôt un endroit où antescofo se "multiplie" pour pouvoir écouter en ayant comme "cible" plusieurs partitions possibles et lançant donc les instructions en fonction de quel bout de partition il aura détecté.On a pendant un temps donné une focalisation sur ces "partitions potentielles" puis au temps n, on revient à une partition continue.

du genre :

NOTE 45 1/4

NOTE 46 1/8

sub_score fragment1 {

NOTE 78 1/12

NOTE 69 1/24

;…. etc


sub_score fragment2 {

NOTE 60 3/2

NOTE 61 1/24

;…. etc


sub_score fragment3 {

NOTE 65 1

NOTE 67 1/8

;…. etc


whenever (sub_score fragment1) {

play toto }

whenever (sub_score fragment2) {

play poipoi }

; …… etc

whenever (sub_score fragment3) {

play titi


NOTE 84 1/5



What you are describing is what exactly the jump attribute does in Antescofo. Basically, if you declare a JUMP on an event, it tells Antescofo that from that event (besides the usual possibility of going forward) the performer can also jump to another place in the score, on an event where the jump is pointing to. Here is a small example:

NOTE C4 1.0 f1 @jump f2 f3 NOTE D4 1.0 ... TRILL (C5) 1.0 f2 @jump f1 f3 NOTE D5 1.0 ... CHORD (C6 E6) 1.0 f3 @jump f1 f2 ...

Explanation: The first note in the above score has the label “f1” and besides going forward it has the possibility of jumping to events with label “f2” and “f3”. Samething with the TRILL with label “f2” that can jump optionally to either f1 or f3 etc. This way, you can dispatch your electronic actions without needing whenever construct as in your original message.

Note 1: When you use jumps, you need to make sure that the events are mutually distinctif. Said otherwise: If events with label f2 and f3 are the same, it is impossible to distinguish where to go… .

Note 2: Jumps can be used to create scores with repetitions and Da Capo Al Fin patterns as seen in classical music. They have also been succesfully used in Open Scores in atleast two Philippe Manoury pieces.

Ok ! Wonderful !
Thanks Arshia.