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Problems loading SDIF, with windows and with display after re-installation

I have a Windows 10 laptop. I had OM 6.17 working properly but I had to format the laptop. Now there are things that don’t work as expected. I’ve tried installing and uninstalling both OM 6.17 and 6.18 without result.

First, every time I open a patch, it is opened outside the display. After searching, I’ve come to a sub-optimal solution: right click the window, maximize. Is there a way for the program to automatically open the patches in my display?

Then, every time I open OM I get an error message saying “Could not load SDIF foreign-library. C:\Program Files (x86)\Open Music 6.18\sdif.dll”. I think this has to be the cause of the problem with the display of notes on patches but I’m not sure. G clefs are ampersands and notes n letters, as can be seen in the attached image.

Any help would be welcome.

Solved: I didn’t look in the most obvious place
from https://openmusic-project.github.io/openmusic/download.html:
Note: If an error message appears at launching OM on windows indicating that MSVCR libraies are missing, download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.

Hi, asmatzaile,

Ok its good to know that problem 1 is solved. Now concerning the fonts, you can find them in the folder in OpenMusic 6.18/resources/fonts. Please do install teh four of them manually. If you get problems doing that please do tell us.


If for some reasons you are not able to locate these fonts, please download them from here:

  1. click on each font and download it using this button on the page:
  2. once you download the 4 fonts, please double click on each and click install:


Hi, haddad,
Thank you a lot for you prompt response!
Actually, when I installed the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package, both problems were solved.

The only thing that remains now is the mildly annoying opening outside the display of patches. But maybe that has to do more with Windows than with OM, I don’t know.


Are you working with multiple displays (ie screens?)

this was a known issue that should have been fixed since version 6.14:

Maybe as suggested in the post, try deleting the file wsparams.lisp in the workspace folder might bring the window back.

If it works this is great, if not, i will look into the code (maybe specific to windows version).

Keep me informed.


Hi Karim,
I’m working with a single screen. I’ve noticed that it only happens with a workspace I downloaded, created by Gonçalo Gato. I tried deleting wsparams.lisp but nothing changed. I also deleted preferences.lisp, just in case, but that didn’t make it either.


The best thing is to send me the workspace so i can see what is the problem with this particular workspace.


I’m not sure if I’m legally allowed to distribute the workspace.
Anyway, it seems that the problem lies not in OM or Windows, but in the way this specific workspace was saved; using a secondary screen, as it is outlined in this thread: Problèmes d'affichage des patches.
Deleting wsparams.lisp doesn’t work for me, but I think I’m just going to resort to saving each patch individually in my screen.
Many thanks for your attention,


No problem. Is it the workspace included in the cd on this page?:

I have checked it. and it seems there is a problem with the OM window version opening some windows, i agree, and it is an OM windows bug that i will look into it:

  1. It seems that Goncalo created this workspace on Mac with a multi display screen
    which is ok.

  2. Even if we delete the preferences and workspace preferences file of the workspace, and re-position the patches, some windows inside such as (chord-seqs and such) remain out of scope ONLY on window OM version, and this from version 6.15 and maybe before.

So when possible i will take a look on the api to see what is wrong here. Hope i can fix it.

Thanks again for reporting this

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Yes, it is that workspace.
Thank you again,