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Hi Paulo,

First make sure you don’t have BOTH Homebrew and Macports installed along together. This is a source of many problems.
Second make sure after the installation to logout or better to restart your computer. Then open a terminal and type fluidsynth to make sure your environment recognize fluidsynth.

Please feel free to report back.


Hi Karim,
Thank you for the fast reply!
I’ve just uninstalled Homebrew and after reboot OM still do not found fluidsynth on my computer.
These was my tests on terminal:

$ brew
-bash: brew: command not found

$ fluidsynth

FluidSynth runtime version 2.3.0

Copyright (C) 2000-2022 Peter Hanappe and others.

Distributed under the LGPL license.

SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of Creative Technology Ltd.

Type ‘help’ for help topics.

$ ls -la /opt/local/lib/libfluid*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 macports admin 351740 3 Jan 11:25 /opt/local/lib/libfluidsynth.3.1.3.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 25 3 Jan 11:25 /opt/local/lib/libfluidsynth.3.dylib → libfluidsynth.3.1.3.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 21 3 Jan 11:25 /opt/local/lib/libfluidsynth.dylib → libfluidsynth.3.dylib


Ok here what to do:

in a terminal:
cd /Applications/OM\ 7.2.app/Contents/Frameworks

rm libfluidsynth.dylib

ln -s /opt/local/lib/libfluidsynth.3.1.3.dylib libfluidsynth.dylib

I think this will work since apparently the libfluiversion is not the same (not the latest)


Hi Karim,
It worked now!

Many thanks!

Glad to know.
Have fun And see you soon i hope.



Thank you very much Karim, Paulo’s solution works also for me. See OM 7.2, OsX fluidsynth and port (not homebrew) : problem is now resolved.



Hi! I’m having the same issue as Lionel. It seems that FluidSynth has been correctly installed (with Homebrew). OM can recognize it, but it seems like no soundfonts were installed on my machine, at least nothing sounds. Preferences seem Ok too.

a) How can I know where FluidSynth has been installed?
b) Sf2 File’s path is still Karim’s one too. I guess it should be changed, but where to?
c) Any additional advice?

Working with macOS Monterey 12.1 (M1). OM 7.2

Thanks in advance!

Dear Demos,

Sorry for this, it’s my bad. The link as you see for the sf2 file is pointed to a local directory on my development machine, and this is a BUG!

However, very easy to fix:

  1. download the sf2 file from here, or better use the one you want (there are plenty of great sf2 file on the internet for free.):
  1. Go to the fluid preferences tab and click on the suitcase next to the path and choose the sf2 file.

That’s it. You are ready to play the soudfonts.


Thank you very much, Haddad. I thought that maybe Fluidsynth would come with its own soundfiles, so I was looking for an specific path.

So, it is good to know that you can use your own. Now it works!!


1 Like

Hi Guys,
i have recently also installed fluidsynth using Macports on my Mac. I have Monterey os and Openmusic cannot find the fluid synth. it should be proper installed since when i put fluidsynth this was the result:
$ fluidsynth

FluidSynth runtime version 2.3.0
Copyright (C) 2000-2022 Peter Hanappe and others.
Distributed under the LGPL license.
SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of Creative Technology Ltd.

On the other hand when i tried these command you Karim wrote here recently

It did nothing. I am New in the business, can somebody give my any advice ? Thank you guys


Dear Harmi,

can you just execute this command and tell me the result? Maybe the libfluid version is different:

ls /opt/local/lib/libfluidsynth*


this was the result



Ok so this is good.
Now if you executed these:

cd /Applications/OM\ 7.2.app/Contents/Frameworks

rm libfluidsynth.dylib

ln -s /opt/local/lib/libfluidsynth.3.1.3.dylib libfluidsynth.dylib

You should either restart of log out, and then launch OM.
Check it out if this works.


So thanks, now its connected. I loaded the sound from the fluid, but what else should i do to hear the soundss from OM ?


Some basic info here:


Really thanks!
Now i think i went through all the tutorial on the page, but still cannot hear the notes playing. I fixed also the problem Demos had (The sf2 file was pointed to your directory Karim) and downloaded the merlin one. I loaded the synths and still it plays nothing. Can you please tell me any advice? or something what could be wrong at the time ?

Dear Harmi,

First to be sure that it works:

  1. Create a NEW VOICE or CHORD-SEQ object open it and play. If it sounds, then you are on the correct path!

If you are openning OLD tutorials, this is normal, you should change the editor’s player like so:



I changed it all the time I wanted to hear the particular chord or so, but nothing sounded. Also when I created new object, even when I forced new player…
Now when u replied i tried it again and it did work. My understanding stops here but lets don’t touch it anymore :D. Really thank you Karim for your patience and fast reactions!

Wish u all the best!

No worry,

Note: when you start OM again, (in this version 7.2) you will need again to go to preferences and load fluidsynth. In the upcoming version there will be an option to autoload fluid on startup.


Dear all,
I am trying to install FluidSynth on a MacMini M2. OM 7.3 is working fine. I installed Fluidsynth via MacPort but I could not recognize it in OM. Then I tried to give the instruction in terminal via MacPort in order to fix the troubler. Terminal was inviting me to select the port311 both for Python and Python3. Anyway I was not able to solve the problem. Then I tried via homebrew; only after, scrolling all the messages, I saw Karim’s post saying that MacPort and Homebrew could go in conflict. I threw out MacPort but I do not think this is the right way to uninstall it. I tried so to give the command cd /Applicazioni/OM\ 7.3.app/Contents/Frameworks but the answer is that it does not find the file or directory.
Can you help me please?
Thanks in advance to everybody!