Since Max 8.6 I can’t use spat5.quat.fromeuler on an M1 mac anymore. The same error appears also with Max 9
Hello Hans,
That is strange.
Is the problem specific to this object ? Can you load other objects from the spat5 package ?
Which version of spat are you using ?
Could it be that you have multiple versions of that object in your search path, including one outdated version (not M1 compatible) ?
I downloaded the latest version (Spat-5.3.4-macOS-31-10-2024.dmg) from the ircam forum page.
There is no other copy of Spat5.quat.fromeuler present on my computer.
I can load other objects.
And Spat5.quat.fromeuler works fine with Max 8.5.7
I’m on Mac OS 12.7.2
What other info might be helpful to track the problem?
Thanks, Hans
Extremely strange…
Just tested Spat-5.3.4-macOS-31-10-2024.dmg from the forum page, with Max 8.6 and Max 9, and everything loads fine on my Mac M1 Max.
I dont really know what is happening…
Also I’m very surprised that the object loads with Max 8.5.7 and not with Max 8.6.
I’ll try to think about it. But for now, I’m puzzled.