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Spat5.meter feature request

Hi T, been meaning to ask about this for ages wondering if it would be solved in a new release:

In the ‘old days of spat4.meter’, to change the gain, rather than use the slider you could type a number in the dialogue below the slider.

On spat5.meter, just one click (intentional or accidental) shoots the gain up to a dangerous +30 db.

Would it be possible to remedy this in the next release, or disable the value responding to a mouse click? It’s fine for those in the know, but lethal for students.

Best wishes

Hi Natasha,

This is definitely a terrible behavior. I will change that for the next release.
Thanks for the feedback.

NB : you can still type the gain value in the numbox below the slider.


That’s a valid concern, especially with the risk of accidental mouse clicking causing a sudden +30 dB gain jump. If spat5.meter doesn’t currently allow direct input like in spat4.meter, a possible fix could be adding an option to disable gain changes via mouse click or requiring a confirmation before applying extreme values. Hopefully, this can be addressed in the next update to make it safer, especially for students


Thanks for your feedback.
The change has been implemented in v5.1.6 (March 2020), where the mouse drag on the gain fader is relative not absolute. So that should prevent accidental issue, no ?
That being said, I can also add an option to disable changes via mouse click. (there’s already an option to simply hide the GUI controllers).
