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Spat5 crashes on panning change

When changing panning algorithm “on-the-fly” to [spat5.spat~] Max freezes, goes 100% CPU, then crashes.
Crash report attached.

Crash-report-Spat5.rtf (140 KB)

Hi Ulf,

Thanks for the report.
However, I dont seem to reproduce the issue (and it’s not 100% clear from the report whether the crash is due to spat).
Could you maybe provide further infos (example patcher or steps to reproduce the problem) ? Is the crash systematic or only once in a while?


Hi Thibaut,

no, not every time but probably 2 out of 3. Attaching another crash report and patch.
Pretty much copied from the [spat5.spat~] helpfile for a quick experiment. Seems to mostly stall/crash when changing to “vbap3d.”
Also, if selecting “hoa3d” as panning type it throws out:

spat5.spat~: error occured when processing “/panning/type “hoa3d””. Reason: unsupported configuration

Crash-report-Spat5-2.rtf (142 KB)

Thanks Ulf. That was helpful.
The issue(s) will be fixed in the next release.
