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Spat with max update 8.2

Hello @tcarpent,

As max just get an important update, i was wondering if you have got the chance to evaluate spat5 performance, and/or identify possible bug?


Spat does not seem to be able to load with the Apple M1 chip in Max 8.2. Will it be updated in the near future?

Max 8.2 is a universal application, so you need to explicitly tell him to open in Rosetta in order to all non-native extensions to work properly. To do this right click on Max.app –> “Get info” –> check Open in Rosetta. It worked for me.

Thanks for the reply. I am well aware I can run Spat in Max 8.2 using Rosetta. However, my question is concerning whether or not a native M1 version of Spat is coming anytime in the near future, so you can use the extra processing power in native mode.

Best, Randall

Feel free to test spat 5.2.6 and let us know how it goes.


This is sensational news!! Am installing right now… Thank you!!