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Spat.rat equivalent in Spat 5?


I am revisiting some old patches which rely upon objects from the Spat 4 package, and I’m having some trouble converting to Spat 5.

Central to this system is spat.rat for analysis of room impulse response recordings, which then populates spat.oper with appropriate source and room perceptual parameters. Is there an equivalent set of objects or replacement object for spat.rat as it has not carried over to Spat 5?

spat5.ir.infos seems promising to extract some of the needed RIR information, but its not clear how to convert this into Oper related messages.

I did come across this forum discussion, which at the end seems to hint at internal tools which might accomplish this. If this process is not possible, or is now not aligned with best practices to recreate room reverb control parameters for Spat it would be fantastic to have that insight.

Apologies if this has been discussed recently somewhere I haven’t seen!


Hello Rory,

There is unfortunately nothing similar to spat.rat in the Spat5 package. At the moment.
But this is definitely something that we intent to revive. There is no clear agenda, and I cant promise anything, but we’re working it. As you rightfully noticed, spat5.ir.infos is a work-in-progress going in that direction (but not quite an equivalent of spat.rat yet).

Thanks for your interest! And your patience…

Thank you for the info!
