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Spat Oper fullscreen bug

Hi Thibaut,

You may already know that if you work with any patch in fullscreen, the spat oper (and snapshots) window also opens in fullscreen. This also happens if you send messages to the spat oper not to open the window in fullscreen (as far as I know /window/fullscreen 0, /window/floating 1).
In this case, the user is obliged to close the spat oper window or deselect the fullscreen mode (because if set to floating, it is placed on top of all windows), then deactivate the main patch fullscreen mode and finally one can operate normally.

In addition, error messages are printed in the Max window.
Is there a way to work with a fullscreen patch and open the spat oper window not in fullscreen and floating?
Here’s the error messages I have:
“spat5.oper: [14:27:45.112] error occurred when processing “/window/open”. Reason: Unknown exception (SetVisibleAndToFront)
spat5.oper: unknown exception (PostThrownException)”

Thank you.


Hi Lorenzo,

In the following build, I have modified the behaviour of spat5.oper (and other spat GUI objects) when Max is in fullscreen mode.
I’m really not sure if the new behaviour is what one would expect, so let me know what you think.
Unfortunately I cannot do much in that area; spat5.oper is not a true GUI object from the Max point of view, so I cannot replicate the behaviour of native Max objects (e.g. buffer~) which open a new tab in the parent patcher window.


Thanks for your feedback,

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Thank you Thibaut,

In general, it works but…
If you have a patch in fullscreen and you open the spat.oper window, the system switches to a different “desktop”, however you can come back to the main fullscreen patch window and the spat.oper window is floating as it should be.
This is much better, even if it’s preferable that when one opens the spat.window, it is opened in the same fullscreen window.
Thank you by the way!

I also noticed that, even if the spat.oper window is set to “floating 1”, when one opens the window it is in “floating 0”.

Yes, I’m aware of that, but I dont think I can control it, unfortunately.

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The “floating 0” is deliberate (in this build). After some trials and errors, I ended up in the conclusion that you cannot have the patching window in fullscreen mode (which I believe is actually “kiosk mode” in macOS), and another window floating on top… So I decide to disable the floating option in that case.

Again, I might be wrong about it, and maybe I’ll find a workaround in the future.
But for now, that is the “best” behaviour I could implement.


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OK, Thank you in any case Thibaut, it’s already so much better.
Thank you for giving some time also to these secondary problems