I am creating a project with live listener movement, using location trackers. I am controlling the Listener orientation (Yaw and Pitch) and that seems to work well. However the listener/aed is visible in Oper viewer but not audible. The point of audition is still the centre of the Oper Grid. Is there a way that the listener can “walk’ towards sources”? I wanted to avoid having to move the sound sources as they are ‘fixed’ in space for this project. If the listener is fixed in the middle, then what is the listener/aed for? I also noticed that listener/xyz also works visually,despite not being in the documentation, but also not aurally.
I have tried direct binauralisation (spat5.spat~ @initwith “/panning/type binaural”) as well as HOA to Binaural conversion (spat5.hoa.binaural~), but the result is the same.