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Scoring improvisations and repeats

In preparing for a performance of one of my compositions, I have made an alternate version in which I chose to take out all of the performer choices and to completely notate everything so that Antescofo knows what to expect. Ideally, I would like to have the improvisations and repeat options and would like to know how to prepare the asco score so that it can be performed with the freedom of the original piece.

Antescofo-questions-regarding-improvisations-and-optional-repeats.pdf (672 KB)


You are pointing to undocumented features in Antesocofo! :slight_smile: Here are some indications:


For repetitions you can use the @jump attribute on events! For example, the following Antescofo score corresponds to a performer, playing the first four notes at any number of repetitions:

BPM 60

NOTE C4 1.0 bar1

NOTE D4 1.0

NOTE E4 1.0

NOTE F4 1.0 @jump bar1

NOTE G4 1.0

Improvisation box:

The TRILL structure can be used as an improvisation box successfully… It does not address all formats but have been tested. It corresponds to a global structure with small units (notes as single pitches, chords in paranthesis, trills…) that can happen (or not) and in any order! For example, the following event corresponds to a TRILL with a note, chord and a tremolo.

TRILL ( C4 (E4 B5) (C5)’ ) 4.0 myImprovBox

NB: In Antescofo, a Tremolo is notated as a TRILL with a single pitch.

NB2: A nested trill is indicated using a “’”. As seen in the above example.