Hello Everyone,
I’m trying to implement dynamic binaurilization with Spat5 and it seems spat5.transform as well as spat5.hoa.rotate do a rotation of the whole coordinate system when applying changes to yaw/pitch/roll. I already figured out that roll is applied to x-axis in spat convention, but when looking at Spat Viewer at the spat5.transform help file, one can see that after doing e.g. a 90 degree yaw rotation, roll rotates around the y-axis - so it seems that the x-axis was rotated by yaw to the former position of y-axis… The same behaviour seems to be true for spat5.hoa.rotate.
This makes it impossible to apply appropriate dynamic binaurilization by using tracker data to rotate the soundfield. Is this behaviour of rotatating the axis intented? Is it possible to somehow rotate with a fixed coordinate system?
Thanks in advance