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Quarantine on m1

hi T,

not sure if anyone have got that as well, but on first load attempt of last 5.3.1 on M1/ventura, spat externals are quarantine. It’s on an empty machine basically so i doubt there are specific issues related to that machine.
Message similar to:

Any chances they might havent been cosigned which could explain that problem? it works once un-quarantined, but i d be happy to have your feedback on that.


Hi Eric,

I havent tried Ventura yet.
However, spat externals are supposed to be (properly) signed. Have you tried in Max ?
I presume you are signing the XP applications/devices (?) Do you also re-sign the spat externals ?

I’ll on a Ventura machine as soon as I have time.


yes, same messages appear in max as well.

In XP standalone, all binaries and externals have to be signed - even cycling ones, again (which i do). For the devices, besides the cycling74 ones that were signed, it relies on the spat library which i assumed you indeed signed. Nothing to mention up to Monterey, but it seems that in Ventura/M1, externals and binary needs to be signed… under Ventura OS.

it seems that in Ventura/M1, externals and binary needs to be signed… under Ventura OS

That would be such a drag !
I’ll keep you posted in the coming days/weeks after I test under Ventura.
Sorry for the possible delay on your releases of XP.


yes please keep me updated - it remains unclear if this is this machine, or a general behavior linked to Ventura OS.