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Pm2 and supervp command-line for Mac/ARM

Dear all,

I was wondering if there are any plans to publish builds of pm2 and supervp for Mac with ARM chips. As posted here, the current versions seem to work through Rosetta on an ARM machine, so that’s already good news. However, there are two limitations: first, it’s not optimal at all, both programs will run much faster with native builds. And second, it will be problematic when calling those programs through another program (in my case Max or Matlab).

Apparently supervp and pm2 are regularly updated and for sure at least supervp works already on ARM (since for instance the Max supervp objects have been updated).

Any hope that Ircam publishes up-to-date builds for the current machines?

All the best,


New releases for supervp and pm2 (v2.0.6 of Analysis/Synthesis Command Line Tools) are available here: https://forum.ircam.fr/projects/detail/analysissynthesis-command-line-tools/
The Mac versions are universal binaries with x86_64 and arm64 architectures

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Hi Frédéric,

Wonderful! I just tested pm2, it seems to work like a charm and I can observe a performance gain of ca. 30% compared to the x86_64/Rosetta version.

Thanks a lot,


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UpdateConfig, which is required to setup Pm2 is still Rosetta… any plans to update this? Or is there any way of activating Pm2 without the UpdateConfig tool? Thank you.

UpdateConfig is a script, not a binary, so it has nothing to do with Rosetta. All it does is add the installation directory to the PATH anyway, which is more a convenience than a requirement

So if you have an issue with setting up Pm2, it’s something else, and I would need more information

Thank you, cornu. When I click in the ‘UpdateConfig’ the Finder asks me to install Rosetta. I’m placing Pm2 in the OM folder I use for libraries.

So, how can I authorize Pm2 using the activation key? (I remember that some time ago a popup would appear in OM or Audiosculpt and one would paste the key in there, if I’m right).

Using the command line you can register the key using:
pm2 -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt
(you may have to use relative or absolute paths for pm2 and the key)

You can also register the key using OM. You would have to load the OM-Pm2 library, then go to OM preferences, Externals, and click the Options button next to PM2, then click Go!. That should allow you to select the key file. (At least it worked that way in old versions)

Thank you, cornu. There is no option in OM to click Go!. I select the pm2 app in the Externals tab and set its patch. But nothing happens after that.

When I use the command “pm2 -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt” inside the Pm2 directory, the Terminal app says ‘Command not found’. So… I’m not sure what to do.

I managed to run the command in Terminal with no errors (using absolute paths), but OM still sends this message to the Listener: “Please register an activation key using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt”

I figured out the problem. The Activation key was actually named Ircam_Authorization_Key.txt

Now it works

Just to be sure, I used the command “pm2 -init_key_file Ircam_Authorization_Key.txt” with absolute paths to get Pm2 authorized (and it worked in OM afterwards).

Dear all,

I’m having trouble again with the pm2. It seems authorized, as described above. But CHORD-SEQ-ANALYSIS is not outputting to SDIFFILE. It seems that it is generating an SDIF file and then removing it. Anyway, SDIFFILE remains void after evaluating.

I think this isn’t related to command line tools anymore (command line pm2 will not delete the output file on its own). You should create a new topic and tag it as OpenMusic so that Karim and the OM community can see it

Just to save time: in the new topic, please specify your OS and the OM version. Consider attaching your patch, unless it is one of the tutorials, in which case just specify which one

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Dear Cornu,

Gatogoncalo did report this issue to us and we are practically sure it is not an OM issue. He also did tell us he’s using the latest Mac OS. So it might be related. there is no reason that OM’s library is deleting the sdif file. And we have tested it under Sonoma and all works as expected.
It could be an issue with Sequoia and Apple Paranoid attitude :slight_smile:

PS: @gatogoncalo, please can you forward us with the commandline that is output in OM’s listener? Maybe this will give us a clue.

patch simple chord-seq analysis.omp (2.9 KB)

Dear gatogoncalo,

I don’t need the patch, but just the output of the commandline which you find in the om listener. Since it could be a problem with your setup, OS, etc.

The patch works is fine, although i don’t have your soundfile"


Dear all,

I’m still having problems with this. pm2 does not create the SDIF file… but it is authorised…

pm2 version 1.6.53…

Authorised as described above…


Dear gatogoncalo,

Without any information from you (OS, versions of OM, OMPm2 lib, the soundfile, etc.)
we cannot guess what is the problem. Please provide some info.
