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Phantom speaker VBAP

Hello Spat5 Users,

What exactly is the purpose of the new phantom loudspeaker feature for VBAP?


This is a very good question.
Here is a new tutorial patcher that tries to answer it.
This is a work in progress; I’ll try to further improve the patcher, and it will be included in the next release.
Meanwhile, feel free to let me know if this helps you and if the information seems clear.


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Thank you for the explanation, it is much more clear now. Altho, not all images in the patch appear to be working.

Could the phantom speaker be useful to render audio sources inside the loudspeaker setup?

Could the phantom speaker be useful to render audio sources inside the loudspeaker setup?

Phantom speakers are used to ensure that the triangulation (used in vbap and similar panning algorithms) produces “valid / relevant” triplets (in particular when several loudspeakers are coplanar or when the speaker layout is highly irregular).
Adding phantom speakers does not fundamentally change the panning algorithms; vbap (and alike) is unable to render audio sources inside the loudspeaker setup, no matter if you use phantom speakers or not.
For any (decent) perception of distance/proximity, you need to use reverb.


Altho, not all images in the patch appear to be working.

Oups, sorry. The linked file has been updated. Hopefully you should now see the images.
Sorry about that.

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very clearly explained, thank you.

I understand. I am looking for an effective way to render sources inside the loudspeaker setup. What panning method could be useful? I am working on a 40.1 dome. I initially chose Vbap3D because of the localization accuracy.

Yes, very clear and useful explanation.