Bonjour, I have a further question regarding this topic: Is it possible to avoid Antescofo complaining that it doesn’t find the file? I wrote code to save and reload a variable, including fallback code if the file doesn’t exist, and it works fine. Only, Antescofo considers it an error if the file could not be loaded, reporting that in alarming red. This is a little irritating, though not a real problem, but I’d prefer to have just a warning in yellow, less alerting. Could I improve my code to achieve this?
@MACRO_DEF AU0BUFPTR_SAVE_PATH { "/tmp/au0bufptr.saved" }
@MACRO_DEF AU0_initPointers($startlabel) {
group AU0_initPointers {
@local $ret, $is_undef
let $ret := @loadvar(@AU0BUFPTR_SAVE_PATH)
let $is_undef := @is_undef($au0bufptr)
if ($is_undef || $au0bufptr = false) {
print AU0_initPointers: Create new empty map au0bufptr
let $au0bufptr := map{("AU0", 0)}
// [...]
($au0bufptr is the name of the variable stored.)