And in the symbolic solutions?
I have looked up the results and we don’t have any indications of microintwervals such as here:
[ solution 1
[ note 2879.27 Fl ord_aeol C6 mf N /Winds/Flute/ordinario_to_aeolian/Fl-ord_aeol-C6-mf-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 Fl flatt C#6 ff N /Winds/Flute/flatterzunge/Fl-flatt-C#6-ff-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 Ob harm_fngr C6 p N /Winds/Oboe/harmonic_fingering/Ob-harm_fngr-C6-p-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 Ob stacc C#6 mf N /Winds/Oboe/staccato/Ob-stacc-C#6-mf-N-R200u.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 ClBb trill_min_second C6 mf N /Winds/Clarinet_Bb/trill_minor_second_up/ClBb-trill_min_second-C6-mf-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 ClBb decresc C#6 ffpp N /Winds/Clarinet_Bb/decrescendo/ClBb-decresc-C#6-ffpp-N-N.wav 0 ]
Or maybe they are elsewhere?