the command line tools are only for Mac OS in orch-idea page.
It works on my Mac but I had to install Cli-tools especially for Mac OS.
the command line tools are only for Mac OS in orch-idea page.
It works on my Mac but I had to install Cli-tools especially for Mac OS.
Thank you Jerome,
I was talking about the source code of these command line tools.
But maybe these are private.
with I have a 404 error. So I had a look at Carmine GitHub but there’s no orchidea repository.
Well, I manage to get OMOrch running,… I get back the Orchidea sound I get with our (Per & I) Max patch, MaxOrch.
I was looking for how to set the rendering parameters and saw that it was in the config_template.txt file.
MaxOrch uses more parameters, but not hysteresis or regularization.
As for export_solutions, I’m inclined to leave it at 1, since only one connection is used.
Yes, I say connection when you say solution. I’m referring to Carmine’s notes. Solutions are the number of matches in the pop_size/max_epochs for one segment.
I’ve seen that you export everything to the WS out-files, so nothing is lost.
Congrats,it’s a good job,
Dear Jerome,
I have a question regarding Orchidea:
Does the solution renders only in 1/2 ton. ie no microintervals?
Dear Karim,
Yes, you can use microintervals
the samples are chromatics but orchidea do the pitch bend
And in the symbolic solutions?
I have looked up the results and we don’t have any indications of microintwervals such as here:
[ solution 1
[ note 2879.27 Fl ord_aeol C6 mf N /Winds/Flute/ordinario_to_aeolian/Fl-ord_aeol-C6-mf-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 Fl flatt C#6 ff N /Winds/Flute/flatterzunge/Fl-flatt-C#6-ff-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 Ob harm_fngr C6 p N /Winds/Oboe/harmonic_fingering/Ob-harm_fngr-C6-p-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 Ob stacc C#6 mf N /Winds/Oboe/staccato/Ob-stacc-C#6-mf-N-R200u.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 ClBb trill_min_second C6 mf N /Winds/Clarinet_Bb/trill_minor_second_up/ClBb-trill_min_second-C6-mf-N-N.wav 0 ]
[ note 2879.27 ClBb decresc C#6 ffpp N /Winds/Clarinet_Bb/decrescendo/ClBb-decresc-C#6-ffpp-N-N.wav 0 ]
Or maybe they are elsewhere?
I don’t know why there’s microtones, actually.
I know well the max package, which is specific. there’s a tonedivision parameter for orchestrate…
Well i don’t see any tonedivision in orchestrate parameters?
Which one is this in the config_template.txt file?
I have no clue
Maybe we can use other parameters than the ones included in the template file. It’s really possible. As I said, I use the Max package. And in MaxOrch, there’s a lot of microtones.
Sorry, ask @carminecella for more precision…
Thank you for the info
hallo Karim
you are right: I did not expose this parameter in the command line version, for several reasons. I think this is doable, but it probably could be done in the next release.
Thank you Camine,
It would be great for spectral reasons.
Hi Anders,
Thank you so much for this. Orchidea has been missing its own OM library for a while now, and OM is such a great environment to work with it.
All the best,
Thanks António!
Beware, OMOrch is still for brave souls, and not part of OMs regular list of libs yet, too many rough edges still!
Expect changes, probably always backwards-incompatible (like the latest version on github), w. new releases until things stabilize a bit.
Im very thankful for all help with all kinds of debugging, and nice suggestions along the way.
Please also try to use the latest release at all times.
Im thinking of doing something sensible with the various ‘non-chosen’ solutions from the output of ‘orchestrate’. Need some input from more experienced users.
Perhaps some of what the max-version is doing (i dont have that available myself)? If someone could list some options with some screen-shots it could be good.
Q: what would be the use-case?
Test different paths through the solutions from left to right?
Compare several solutions for one particular segment?
Scores for every solution? Concatenate sound for different paths?
Once the basic architecture is in place it is probably easy to support various ways.
btw, the ‘dev’ branch holds quite many improvements from the current ‘master’-branch
OMOrch v2.0 is available at
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