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Omsupervp support_libs

Hey Forum!

It seems that supervp isn’t finding its support libs:


~/.local/share/OpenMusic/libraries/OM-SuperVP 2.13/bin/linux/supervp: error while loading shared libraries: libsndfile.so.1.0.17patchc: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Where should the support libs be placed?
Thanks, phil

Hi Phil

libsndfile.so.1.0.17patchc: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Seems you dont have libsndfile installed. Better use your package system to make sure paths and dependencies are allright.

apt-get libsndfile-dev

Or perhaps libsndfile1-dev?



or your favorite gui thing: perhaps “Software”, “Packages”…

Hi Anders,

this is very strange, since all the libs are in /usr/local/bin/supervp_support_libs and a few days ago om-supervp was working fine. No updates since then.

The regular libsndfile is located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

Best, phil

Dear Phil,

This depends on your version of supervp you are using. It seems it is a supervp problem and NOT an OM one.
There has been some problems with these binaries (see:
Linux SuperVP installation)
and versions of GLIBC.
So what I suggest is to post your problem int the supervp thread.


Just in case someone else stumbles upon the same problem: make sure that in OMs preferences/externals the supervp path is poiting to /usr/local/bin/supervp and not to the binary that comes with the library.

Dear Phil,

I assume you are using an old version of the library.
The latest release (2.13) doesn’t include the binary.
