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OM Libraries authorization problem Ubuntu 16.04


I have some problem with the authorization of om-libs. Running OM 6.12 in Ubuntu 16.04.

I followed Karim’s instructions from this post: http://forumnet.ircam.fr/user-groups/openmusic/forum/topic/how-to-register-omspat-library-extension-2/

after pressing “Go!” I got this on the OM Listener:

:: “/home/cage/Documents/OM_Libs_Ubuntu/OM-SuperVP 2.8/resources/bin/linux/supervp” -init_key_file “/home/cage/Documents/Ircam_Activation_Key.txt”
:: /home/cage/Documents/OM_Libs_Ubuntu/OM-SuperVP 2.8/resources/bin/linux/supervp: error while loading shared libraries: libEasdif.so.1.4.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
OM > “Authorization… done”

Then I tried the partial tracking of OM-pm2 1.3 and got the following:

OM > “PM2 PROCESS : “/home/cage/Documents/OM_Libs_Ubuntu/OM-pm2 1.3/resources/bin/linux/pm2” -v -S”/home/cage/Documents/OM_WS_Ubuntu/WS_test_ubuntu/in-files/africa.aiff" -Apar -N4096 -M4096 -Whanning -I256 -p1 --mode=0 -q12 -m40.0 -a0.0 -r0.0 -Ct0.017 -Cf0.029 --devFR=0.012 --devFC=0.0 --devA=0.5 --devM=1 --devK=3 -L0.009 “/home/cage/Documents/OM_WS_Ubuntu/WS_test_ubuntu/out-files/partials.sdif”"
:: “/home/cage/Documents/OM_Libs_Ubuntu/OM-pm2 1.3/resources/bin/linux/pm2” -v -S"/home/cage/Documents/OM_WS_Ubuntu/WS_test_ubuntu/in-files/africa.aiff" -Apar -N4096 -M4096 -Whanning -I256 -p1 --mode=0 -q12 -m40.0 -a0.0 -r0.0 -Ct0.017 -Cf0.029 --devFR=0.012 --devFC=0.0 --devA=0.5 --devM=1 --devK=3 -L0.009 “/home/cage/Documents/OM_WS_Ubuntu/WS_test_ubuntu/out-files/partials.sdif”
:: Please register an activation key using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt
OM => #P"/home/cage/Documents/OM_WS_Ubuntu/WS_test_ubuntu/out-files/partials.sdif"

So, the authorization is not working + there’s an error with libEasdif.so.1.4.20.

Is it possible to fix this?

best regards,