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Linux Fedora - OpenMusic + PM2 - Authorization


I can not register SuperVP and pm2 command line tools on Fedora 30, so I can not use OM corresponding libraries.
I have downloaded last versions of everything, downloaded another authorization code (last one was from August, this one is from today 25 November), and tried by OM Preferences/Externals procedure and by terminal with sudo ./supervp -init_key_file <my_authorizing_file> procedure. The resulting message is “key initialization failed”. My subscription is still active, it ends on December, 12.
Any help should be appreciated, thank you.

Here I think there is another possibly similar problem: OM Libraries authorization problem Ubuntu 16.04

If I use bin in OM library folder I obtain same ibEasdif.so.1.4.20 error. From terminal the response is “SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt”

But I think I have already registered, or at least tried to do it.


Hi fdsdb,

Tried out the install of supervp on a fedora, here how to do this:

  1. Install it with the script and NOT using OM
  2. download the SuperVP-2,103…
  3. unpack it somewhere
  4. cd to the ‘install-supervp’ folder
  5. type:
    sudo ./install-script
  6. when prompted choose global install and NOT local install (this fails!)
  7. type:
    supervp -init_key_file Path/to/the/Ircam_Activation_Key.txt

That’s it. It should work… (same for pm2)


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Dear Karim,

Thank you for fast reply. I had done all you say, and I have again done the same, without success. I enclose a log file of my terminal. log.txt (2.2 KB)

I can’t explain what is wrong. Now I ma goig to start five days Conference, so if I will be slow in answering is for that reason, only as advertisement.

If I try to digit ‘supervp’ in my terminal I obtain “SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt” message…



Congratulations for your PhD.

Thanx Fabio,

First make sure you have the correct activation key file, i.e not an old one.Second i may that the path to it is long ?
Can you also try to cd in your home, and then : ls -la to see if there’s not a ._ifpk_2 key still hanging around?

Anyhow i will contact the dev team and tell them about your problem.
It could also be that your fedora is too old (i.e libs not compatipble??)
Don;'t know


Hi Karim,

Yes, I had a file ._ifpk_2, I have removed it and tried supervp activation, but the result is the same: key initialization failed, sorry.

The activation key is the most recent possible, I have downloaded it today.

