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OM 6.17 - issue in microtonal playback


I have just installed new OM version both on Linux Fedora 30 and OsX El Capitan. Thank you all for your work.
I have a little problem in microtonal playback, I enclose a screenshot:

I have tested it on Linux by Qsynth and on Mac by SimpleSynth.
On opening the patch or resetting audio in Qsynth (or SimpleSynth) it play with correct intonation, but without microtones.
If I evaluate 2 I have correct microtone intonation, but everything two halftones below. I have got the pitchbendwheel setting from here: Microtonal playback (encore)
The same if I evaluate 1 (in this case of course without microtone intonation). How is it possible to have imemdiate microtone intonation into correct diapason? (diapason preference is set to 440.0 in OM).

Thank you in advance for help.



Hi Fabio,

This have changed already since version 6.15. Please see below (screenshot from tutorial 10)

Tell me if it works for you.
PS: I have moved the post to the OpenMusic disscussion group

Hi Karim,

Thank you for reply, I apologize for delay in answering, probably I missed the mail notification of your post…
Yes, it work on Mac, and in a few time I verify on Linux (it is on other computer), I am sure it will work also there. I will post only if there were problems (sure that not). I remembered something about new tutorial, but, sorry, I have been not able to recover it by myself (I was searching on the web…),
Thank you again, ciao
