I’m use an octophonic system (8x Genelec 8020b), for a piece with trombone, live electronics and interactive spatialisation (iPhone strapped to trombone sending compass values to control several sources’ azimuth). I’m using Spat 4.8 on Max 7.3.4 on a MBP.
The sounds are quite bass heavy, and possibly too much for the small Genelecs, so I’d like to add a subwoofer (we have Genelec 7050b) onto the system.
My question is: what would be a good way to mix down the 8 channel output into an extra 2 outputs to feed the subwoofer (accepting stereo in)? Also, is there a way within spat to output some channels (e.g. 1-8) with less bass and focus the lower frequencies onto say the sub channels (e.g 9-10)? Unfortauntely I don’t have the hardware to do this the normal way (i.e. routing the channels through the sub, because the sub only has 4 channel inputs).
Previously I’ve just sent channels 1-4 into 9 and 5-8 into 10 of the dac~, then from my Motu interface, channels 9-10 into the subwoofer. But I’m wondering if there’s a better approach, since I’m still new to spat…
Many thanks for any thoughts!