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I’m trying to install ISiS in a M1 (os 12.1). When I lunch the first exemple (isis.sh -o defsong.wav) I got this error message after the anaysis messages :

Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Error on loading function mkl_dft_mc3_dfti_create_dr1d.

any idea ?

Unfortunately, MKL is an optimization that is working for intel CPUs only. The Intel CPU emulation on the ARM Macintosh computers does not cover Intel’s MKL optimization. Therefore, the latest official release of ISiS does not work on MacOS under ARM CPUs. I am working on version 1.3.0, which will come in two variants for the Macintosh, one with MKL optimization for Intel, and one without MKL for ARM.

Hi, I have the same problem but in a machine with intel CPU.
so was searching solutions and I find that i shoud have upgraded anaconda. I’ve do it but without result.

I am using an old mac of 2010 with High Sierra, the isis version is 1.2.9.
Hope you can help me.


Hi, I have the same problem but in a machine with intel CPU.
so was searching solutions and I find that i shoud have upgraded anaconda. I’ve do it but without result.

I am using an old mac of 2010 with High Sierra, the isis version is 1.2.9.
Hope you can help me.


Hello Salcad,

I have never had a problem with MKL on intel machines. So I am not sure what might be the problem.
YOu don’t need to install Anaconda because ISiS comes with all dependencies included. Whatever you install on your system should not be used anyway.

If I am not mistaken I had High Sierra installed on the machine I compiled ISiS with. So there should not be a problem on that side either. in any case Anaconda supports MacOS versions

The MKL lib has been added in version 1.2 8, so if you install 1.2.7 there is no MKL, and if really MKL is the problem for you, then version 1.2.7 should at least run. Can you try that?


Hello Axel,

is there any fix to run Isis on ARM mac?
This thread is from 1 year ago, but apparently I have the same MKL issue with the version I’ve just downloaded from the forum…



I cannot know which version you downloaded. The latest version is still work in progress and has therefore been published as release candidate 7 for version 1.3.0. Please read the thread here ISiS V1.3.0 release candidate 7. I am using that version on M2 and there are a few other users doing the same. So if there is still an mkl error then you probably did not download the correct version.

Towards potential problems:

  • The first message contains many details on how to efficiently install. On the other hand, the link in the first message in the thread is no longer valid. That’s why I have put a new download link in a second message.
  • Please note, that iSIS is not universal, so there are two versions for macos and you need to use right one. This is explained in the first message.

Please let me know if you still encounter any problems.


That’s fantastic Axel, thanks. I was still on 1.2.9.
Everything works properly, including my own old patches. Terrific!
(I’ve noticed that -xml_output is no longer a valid option, but that’s not an issue for me.)

Best and thanks again – great work!

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Hello Daniele

Thanks for the feedback about the old patches still working.
I have tried to keep everything compatible but did not yet receive any feedback on that.
So am happy that it seems to work fine.

Concerning xml output : it is no longer supported and will be replaced by a json file. This is currently the missing feature before a final release of 1.3.0. I had explained that in the message

- replace the internal representation of the score by means of a python class Song, and replace the intermediate loudness and F0 parameter files in XML format, by means of a single JSON-file containing all the score and style information. FInalization of the JSON-file structure is still ongoing and is the major missing point before the final version 1.3.0 is released.

All the best