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How do I perform a simple format B AmbiX to 2nd order HOA


I want to transform a B-format AmbiX stream coming from a mc.groove~ object into a 2nd order HOA signal. I simply use mc.join~ to merge my AmbiX stream with a 5-channels sig~ outputting a constant stream of 0s.

Is there a better and/or easier way, with spat5.hoa.converter~ for instance?


Padding the extra channels with a stream of 0s is OK.

Using spat5.hoa.converter~ and/or spat5.hoa.sorting~ might be necessary if the incoming B-format stream and the 2nd order HOA signals have different ‘conventions’ (in terms of normalization scheme or channel ordering)… This may typically happen if the two streams emanate from two different software tools. Feel free to send your patcher in case of a doubt.
