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Exporting multichannel audio from Panoramix


I was wondering if anyone knows there is a way that we could export a multichannel audio file from the DAW project made with Panoramix (especially Panolive on Ableton Live)?

I really appreciate any comment you could provide. Thank you!


If you are using the Panoramix standalone application, it includes an audio recorder, which allows you to save (in real-time) the 128-output channels (see screenshot).

I dont remember if this feature is also included in Panolive. Ask Jérôme @smalllotus ?

In any case, it’s most likely not possible to make an offline bounce, and you’d have to render the session in real-time.


Dear Carpent,

I found it! Thanks so much for letting me know about this. It is what I need!

For Panolive, I guess I could modify the M4L patch by adding the object, spat5.sfrecord, in the patch to connect with the multichannel live.gain to record the file.

Thanks again for your detailed explanation!
