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Diphone Studio kernel question


I’ve recently bought The Diphone Studio standalone for Mac OSX (version 10.8.2, chipset 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo), but I have a problem with Kernels operations, I suppose. The message appears when I run the analysis in Resan and Addan as well. Here’s the error message:

Can’t send command to kernel

I installed the software in another machine (version 10.5.8, chipset 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) with an older operating system, because I’ve read about problems with kernels in Mountain Lion, but the error is the same.



Could you please :

  • open Resan.

  • Open “Preferences” panel

  • click on the “Defaults” button (bottom of the panel)

then retry to perform your analysis and tell if it does solve your issue?




You have also to choose the “Environment” tab (inside the Preferences Panel) and set the “Defaults” too.




Thanks for the answer.

I tried changing the prenferences’s settings as you suggested, but it still doesn’t work and gives me the same error.




Hi Giovanni,

Could you please perform a full re-install:

  • IMPORTANT: re-download the Diphone installer package wich have been updated !

  • delete Diphone Studio 4.2 from you applications/ folder

  • delete in System/Library/Frameworks/:

    the Diphone.framework

    the DiphoneStudio.framework

    the SDIF.framework

  • then open the Disk Image and double-click on the .pkg file.

Once you re-installed everything:

  1. Retry to launch Resan

  2. perform the analysis

tell me how it goes and if it does still report any errors

thanks a lot in advance and sorry for the inconvenience,



Hi Charles,

I followed your instructions and did the re-install of Diphone Studio 4.2F but nothing is changed.

In the macosx version 10.5.8 now the message is different:

Snd error: Can’t write file “/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Chant/crotale.temp.aiff”

Kernel return error -1

Thank you again,


Hi Giovanni,

OK that message is now more informative.

Could you please give me the your full Console log so i can see where this error occur during the process.

For that,

  • relaunch your Resan application

  • perform the analysis

  • once done (with the error) goto ResAn Menu > File > Save Console As… and save the text file wich you can open later with a simple TextEdit.app

  • then give me this file or its content (using copy / paste)




So here are the entire console messages in the version 10.8.2 wich is not changed:

ResAn(1) snd -v -aExtract -i"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.aiff" -c1 -o"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant/crotale.temp.aiff" -fAiff -d16

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -Zm -w0.08

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.e0" -Zm -w0.1 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m1" -Zm -w0.15 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m2" -Zm -w0.2 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m3" -Zm -w0.25 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m4" -Zm -w2.239 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m5" -Zm -w2.985 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m6" -Zm -Im -Jm -w4.083 -V

remove “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant/crotale.temp.aiff”

Can’t send command to kernel





And here it is the message in the version 10.5.8 wich is more accurate:

ResAn(1) snd -v -aExtract -i"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.aiff" -c1 -o"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant/crotale.temp.aiff" -fAiff -d16

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -Zm -w0.211 -a-70.0 -A-86.0

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.e0" -Zm -w0.423 -a-70.0 -A-86.0 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m1" -Zm -w0.846 -a-70.0 -A-86.0 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m2" -Zm -w1.41 -a-70.0 -A-86.0 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m3" -Zm -w2.819 -a-70.0 -A-86.0 -V

modres -v -D"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -d"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant" -i"crotale.temp.aiff" -o"crotale" -zo -p"crotale.m4" -Zm -Im -Jm -w4.027 -a-70.0 -A-86.0 -V

remove “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Chant/crotale.temp.aiff”

Snd error: Can’t write file “/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Chant/crotale.temp.aiff”

Kernel return error -1


I hope this will be useful.

Thanks for your abrupt answers,



OK giovanni,

OK that could be a write access problem.

Could you go to Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/

Select the ImpExport folder

press Command-I to get the information

look in the ‘permissions panel’

unlock the permissions (click on the lock and give your name/pass)

change all the permissions to “Read & write”

IMPORTANT: apply all those permissions to the included elements (for that click on the little pref icon below close to the ‘+’ and ‘-’ icons.

then launch Resan and try again to do the analysis



Hi Charles,

I think it’s working now on the 10.5.8 osx but not yet in the other computer (macbook pro 10.8.2) Is that normal?

Anyway, thank you very much for your help.




Hi Giovanni,

Glad that it solved the issue at least for Mac OS X 10.5.8 !

For 10.8, try to change all permissions on the main Diphone folder.

please report to me if you have still the "Can’t send command to kernel " or a different error.

Happy christmas,


Hi Charles,

Yes, the message is still “Can’t send command to kernel”.

Finally I’m “exploring” the Resan program, great stuff!

Thanks and merry christmas!



I am having the same problem, I also tried all of the above but nothing worked. I am also on 10.8 (unfortunately came with the laptop) so I guess it’s a Mountain Lion issue?

Any feedback would be appreciated, I am eager to explore this SW… it’s aging well. :slight_smile:



Hi Gabriele,

Yes, after few reports and tests, this is sadly a Mountain Lion issue that we are currently investigating. We hope we will have a working solution soon.

Thanks for your patience,



hello there

and sorry for hijacking but i have serious problems to create a new topic here.

i just downloaded diphone.

when i try to analyse a sound with addan (using diphones"create dict. from sound" popup) i get this error message:

SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by

using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt Kernel return error 22

(for the whole error message see below)

same error appears when i click validate or run in the analysis window.

did i miss something? i already activate diphone …

btw. iam on osx 10.7.3 running the latest diphone version (4.2)

thanks for help, johannes



AddAn(1) snd -v -aExtract -i"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.wav" -c1 -o"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -fAiff

supervp -v -t -U -OS0 -ns -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -Afft -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 “/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Fft/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.f0.fft.sdif”

supervp -v -Af0 fm50.0,fM1000.0,F4000.0,sn50.0,M,smooth3 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.f0.sdif”

pm2 -v -Apar -P"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.f0.sdif" -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -R44100.0 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -a0.01 -r0.01 -c0.5 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.add.sdif”

sdif_signature_convert “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.add.sdif” 1TRC

supervp -v -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -Aced 50 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -OE “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/SpecEnv/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.cc.sdif”

pm2 -v -Asyn -p -R44100.0 -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.add.sdif" -Osa16 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.synth.aiff”

snd -v -aSubstract -i"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -j"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.synth.aiff" -o"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.noise.aiff" -fAiff -d16

snd -v -aConvert -i"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -o"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Segmentation/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.floatSnd" -fFloat

segm -S"PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.floatSnd" -T44100.0 -e0.1 -H10 -N10 -E0.04 -F0.04 -w1 -e0.1 -c0.5 -s0.2 -Civstr -M f0.2 F0.2 e0.2 E0.2 I0.2

echo “Diphone_Script”

echo “Create_Dictionary”

remove “/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff”

Sound Convert

Input sound name…"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.wav"

Input sound channel…1

Input sound time begin…0.0

Input sound time end…end

Output sound name…"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff"

Output sound format…Aiff

Output sound sample rate…44100.0 (same as input)

Output sound sample size…16 (same as input)

Convert coefficient…1.0

SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt

Kernel return error 22




Hi Johannes,

You should be able now to get a new key from ForumNet here (Using the “Send me the code” button) :


This new key should fix the activation issue for SuperVP.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience

Best regards,


hi charles,

just in case that you didn´t follow (subscribed to) the “diphone-studio-supervpinitialization-failed-error” topic,

where i just posted another question. here you go:


sorry for thread confusion.

thanks for help.


“Bolzano, 25 febbraio 2013Hello everybody,we are trying to make an addan but the supervp always aborts.In attachement the console output.We tryed to change the permissions first of the ImpExport, and the of the diphone folder as well, as written in the discussion forum, but without any success.What can we do?Thank you in advance for your reply.Massimo MarchiConservatorio Monteverdi di Bolzano - Italyproduct = Diphone StudioEnvironment = macOS Version = 10.8.2Soft Version = 4.2Hproduct = Diphone StudioEnvironment = macOS Version = 10.8.2Soft Version = 4.2H”

Following this I copy the console output, any help please?


AddAn(1) snd -v -aExtract -i"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.aif" -c1 -o"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff" -fAiff

supervp -v -t -U -OS0 -ns -S"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff" -Afft -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 “/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Fft/voce.f0.fft.sdif”

supervp -v -Af0 fm50.0,fM1000.0,F4000.0,sn50.0,M,smooth3 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -S"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff" “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/voce.f0.sdif”

pm2 -v -Apar -P"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/voce.f0.sdif" -S"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff" -R44100.0 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -a0.01 -r0.01 -c0.5 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/voce.add.sdif”

sdif_signature_convert “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/voce.add.sdif” 1TRC

supervp -v -S"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff" -Aced 50 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -OE “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/SpecEnv/voce.cc.sdif”

pm2 -v -Asyn -p -R44100.0 -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/voce.add.sdif" -Osa16 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/voce.synth.aiff”

snd -v -aSubstract -i"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff" -j"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/voce.synth.aiff" -o"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/voce.noise.aiff" -fAiff -d16

snd -v -aConvert -i"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff" -o"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Segmentation/voce.floatSnd" -fFloat

segm -S"voce.floatSnd" -T44100.0 -e0.1 -H10 -N10 -E0.04 -F0.04 -w1 -e0.1 -c0.5 -s0.2 -Civstr -M f0.2 F0.2 e0.2 E0.2 I0.2

echo “Diphone_Script”

echo “Create_Dictionary”

remove “/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff”


Sound Convert

Input sound name…"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.aif"

Input sound channel…1

Input sound time begin…0.0

Input sound time end…end

Output sound name…"/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff"

Output sound format…Aiff

Output sound sample rate…44100.0 (same as input)

Output sound sample size…16 (same as input)

Convert coefficient…1.0



supervp -v -t -U -OS0 -ns -S/Users/massimo/Music/voce.temp.aiff -Afft -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 “/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Fft/voce.f0.fft.sdif”



SuperVP Copyright © 1990-2012 IRCAM

version : 2.99.70 (compiled by picasso for AudioSculpt on Nov 23 2012 12:37:26 ) Prec=Float

snd file IO using libsndfile-1.0.17patchb, Copyright Erik de Castro Lopo,

licensed under the Gnu LGPL (see: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile or libsndfile.License)


executable dir : /Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/Kernels/supervp.app/Contents/MacOS/

sse support : 1 simple 1

sse2 support : 1 simple 1

num thread limit : 2

Kernel aborted




The folder seems to not be created from the Diphone installer.

Could you try to create it inside the your “Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport” folder :

/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Fft/ <— create the missing Fft folder

Then retry your operation, that should prevent supervp from crashing.



Yes, after few reports and tests, this is sadly a Mountain Lion issue that we are currently investigating. We hope we will have a working solution soon.


I am running Mountain Lion til the end of my current musical project. I am trying to run a harmonic analysis in addan, but I am having this same problem even after making sure all permissions on the Diphone 4.2 folder are set to read & write. Currently, my error message just reads:

Kernel aborted

…of if I re-click on the Defaults button in Preferences, and rerun the analysis, I get the old:

Can’t send command to kernel

Did you ever come up with a solution for Mountain Lion users? I am evidently running Addan 3.5. Is there a more current version that fixed this for Mountain Lion?

thank you!
