hello there
and sorry for hijacking but i have serious problems to create a new topic here.
i just downloaded diphone.
when i try to analyse a sound with addan (using diphones"create dict. from sound" popup) i get this error message:
SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by
using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt Kernel return error 22
(for the whole error message see below)
same error appears when i click validate or run in the analysis window.
did i miss something? i already activate diphone …
btw. iam on osx 10.7.3 running the latest diphone version (4.2)
thanks for help, johannes
AddAn(1) snd -v -aExtract -i"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.wav" -c1 -o"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -fAiff
supervp -v -t -U -OS0 -ns -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -Afft -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 “/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Fft/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.f0.fft.sdif”
supervp -v -Af0 fm50.0,fM1000.0,F4000.0,sn50.0,M,smooth3 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.f0.sdif”
pm2 -v -Apar -P"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.f0.sdif" -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -R44100.0 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -a0.01 -r0.01 -c0.5 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.add.sdif”
sdif_signature_convert “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.add.sdif” 1TRC
supervp -v -S"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -Aced 50 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -OE “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/SpecEnv/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.cc.sdif”
pm2 -v -Asyn -p -R44100.0 -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.add.sdif" -Osa16 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.synth.aiff”
snd -v -aSubstract -i"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -j"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.synth.aiff" -o"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.noise.aiff" -fAiff -d16
snd -v -aConvert -i"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff" -o"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Segmentation/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.floatSnd" -fFloat
segm -S"PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.floatSnd" -T44100.0 -e0.1 -H10 -N10 -E0.04 -F0.04 -w1 -e0.1 -c0.5 -s0.2 -Civstr -M f0.2 F0.2 e0.2 E0.2 I0.2
echo “Diphone_Script”
echo “Create_Dictionary”
remove “/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff”
Sound Convert
Input sound name…"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.wav"
Input sound channel…1
Input sound time begin…0.0
Input sound time end…end
Output sound name…"/Users/j/Documents/SMPLS/Hiss free/TORTURED_PIANO_FREE/AudioFiles/PIANO String scrape #1D0C9E.temp.aiff"
Output sound format…Aiff
Output sound sample rate…44100.0 (same as input)
Output sound sample size…16 (same as input)
Convert coefficient…1.0
SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt
Kernel return error 22