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Diphone Studio kernel question

Hi Jon,

Diphone, AddAn & Resan should work on 10.8.5. I can confirm that it works on our side on 10.8.5.

But first, make sure you have downloaded the last version from the Forum.

Then i suggest you read this old post :

and apply the recommendations -> revert to defaults for all, even for the Environment.

Most of the time, it is a location issue due to a bad Environment variable or an incorrect setup.

Some path configuration does not seem to work properly now, so i suggest you first try to perform an analysis using AddAn on a standard sound that AddAn proposes you when you click on the blue folder on the right of the “Sound Input” entry. A list of default sound files should appear.
Click on one of it, then click on “validate”, and then “Run”.

then copy paste the full output of the console so we can have a clear idea of what is going on.



Thank you very much for the reply! I updated my operating system to 10.8.5 and updated to Diphone 4.2J; this combination fixed everything immediately. I even see on the downloads page that some versions of Diphone simply will not work with Mountain Lion, so I am guessing the culprit was my older version of Diphone rather than updating my O/S.

Another odd thing I found in this process probably belongs in another thread, however, here it is: if I run a harmonic analysis on .aif files, addan will perform the synthesis perfectly, but the noise file it creates is simply a replica of the original file. However, if I re-export the original file as .aiff <–note the extra F, then addan will indeed create my noise file perfectly, removing the pitched sounds.

