Hey there, just a quick code sharing. Someone approached me with the question about controlling the stereo spread when using a stereo source, and this made me realize (again) that there may not be an exact control on this using oper. According to the stereo example in the spat~ help it seems that oper is actually unaware whether a source is stereo or not. So I coded a little patch for fun that lets you have arbitrary number of stereo sources with individual adjustable angular spread (or width? not sure which is the correct term). I remember I wanted to have something like this in the past, but never bothered to make it, so now here it is, in case you need it too.
spat_stereo_control.maxpat (16.5 KB)
Just extend it based on the number of stereos you need. If you want extra mono sources, add them after the ones used by the stereos (and set them to editable).
Also let me know in case this feature exists in Spat and I just reinvented the wheel…