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Circle, an Alternative to OM's n-cercle


Based on OM’s n-cercle class, I created this new circle class (with its own functions) to extend somewhat n-cercle’s ability to convert and represent Score objects’ (i.e., chords’ and chord-seqs’) pitch content: I have added 16th tones, 32nd tones, 64th tones, 128th tones, and Midicents.

I have also changed the presentation and made it adaptative (i.e., the size of the pitch/beat units in the circle) to the number of vertices of the circle — this is very useful when working with both pitch or beat units.

Some details:

To install, you only have to copy/move the circle.lisp file (attached to this post) into your workspace’s “user” folder.

Class: circle


  • c2ch, ch2c (conversion functions between Circles and Chords.)
  • c2cseq, cseq2c (conversion functions between Circles and Chord-seqs.)
  • c2voice, voice2c (conversion functions between Circles and Voices.)

LISP file: circle.lisp (21.2 KB)


All the best,

Edit: I uploaded a new version of circle.lisp with a very minor debugging of the definition of cseq2c. Everything should work smoothly now.