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ASAP 1.3.0 - New Release

Hello everyone,

The new version 1.3.0 of ASAP brings some big changes:

  • ARA plug-ins are available as standalone applications :exploding_head: ! You can use processing as external editors in Live or ProTools, no longer needing ARA2 support.
  • ARA plug-ins offer a logarithmic frequency representation mode! You’ve been asking for it for a long time and it’s finally here :sweat:.
  • The Spectral Surface plug-in has been renamed Psycho Filter! It’s much more stylish :sunglasses: and best of all, the initials of the name can be used in the application icon without it being annoying…
  • ARA plug-ins offer a bypass option in every region! You can switch between the original sound and the transformed sound with a single click :relieved:.
  • The Psycho Filter plug-in (formerly Spectral Surface) computes on the fly the sonogram resulting from the application of the filters :partying_face: ! It’s beautiful and it’s useful.

:point_right: Download ASAP 1.3.0

This update comes with other improvements and fixes, the full list of which you can find in the changelog.

Don’t hesitate to send me your feedback!

  • Imp: Psycho Filter - Rename the Spectral Surface plug-in to Psycho Filter (#261)
  • Imp: Psycho Filter - Remove the command line button from the region panel (#260)
  • Fix: Psycho Filter - The isolation mode toggle action is misnamed when performed in the regions panel (#258)
  • Add: Psycho Filter - Display gain and fade values when using surface control knobs (#257)
  • Add: Psycho Filter - Gain uses a 1dB step by default and is continuous if the shift key is pressed (#256)
  • Imp: Update user manual (#255)
  • Fix: About window not resized according to scale factor (#249)
  • Add: ARA - Option to bypass the effect on a specific region (#246)
  • Imp: Update icons and improve their resolution (#229)
  • Add: ARA - Enable the use of a logarithmic scale for frequency display (#221)
  • Imp: Psycho Filter - Display the spectrogram resulting from the application of filters calculated on the fly (#144)
  • Add: ARA - A standalone application version of the ARA plug-ins with a graphical user interface and a command-line interface (#129)
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I couldn’t open .aif files with any of the 3 new standalone applications, they crash!
Here is a log:

ASAP Stretch Life-2024-08-29-140535.ips (29.9 KB)

Thanks for your feedback, I’m going to create a bugfix with support for formats other than WAV.

@chp I’ve uploaded a dev version of ASAP 1.3.1 with multiformat support for audio files (wav, aiff, flac, etc.) in the standalone applications. And if the audio file is not supported, it should not crash anymore :sweat:. If you can give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

P.S. The Windows version will be available in a week.

Thanks for your fast reaction.
I tried to open a stereo aif file (±5’, 59MB).
It was OK with PsychoKiller & PitchesBrew, but in StretchLife the wheel of death appears. I didn’t wait longer than 10 minutes before killing the app.

Now unfortunately, when I reopen StretchtLife, it tries to open the previously opened file (is this really a usefull feature?) and get stuck. So I can’t try with another audio file.

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You can remove the file ASAP Stretch Life.settings from ~/Library/Application Support/. I’ll add something to prevent this behavior. Thanks!


I wanted to try out the demo on Linux (Manjaro/Arch) but there are two problems:

  • the install script fails for a brew related png file
  • some plugins (I think those that should be ARA?) straight up crash Reaper 7 when loading any of them (I think it was Psycho Filter and Stretch Brew)

I tried to google the problems and search the forums but didn’t had any luck. Any idea what the problem could be?

Thank you for your feedback. I’ll fix the problem with the installer. And could you give me more information about the crash? The version of your OS, the version of Reaper, and the crash log? Some versions of Reaper were unstable with the ARA plug-ins but this has recently been corrected.

@schroedingersca I’ve uploaded a new dev version ASAP 1.3.1-dev2 that should fix the Linux installation. If you can test it and let me know if it works for you, it would be great!

P.S. If you don’t have the crash log of Reaper, you can run Reaper via the terminal.
P.P.S. You can try the standalone application to check if it works

I’m using Reaper 7.20 with Kernel 6.6.47-1-MANJARO on Manjaro with Gnome 46.

The crash log is just:

reaper                                    ✔ 
LC_NUMERIC / LANG is set to 'de_DE.UTF-8', overriding LC_NUMERIC environment to POSIX
ALSA: using mmap interleaved
ALSA: using mmap interleaved
/dev/cpu_dma_latency: set to 0
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  reaper

There’s a dump file in /var/lib/systemd/coredump but it’s about 730MB (the crashed project is just some wav files with Asap Psycho filter instantiated, so I’m a bit surprised about the size of this file).

I realized that Psycho Filter doesn’t crash when placed on a track with short audio files. The crash seems to happen when placing it on a track with files of considerable length (I tested the plugins with a recent recording session of about 2 hours duration). It didn’t crash when using it on a track with a single audio clip of some seconds and different sample rate.

Thank you! I will investigate this issue. Let me know if you encounter any other problem.

@chp I uploaded ASAP 1.3.1-dev3 that should optimize the graphical rendering of StretchLife. Can you try it and let me know if it’s better?

Good morning. No much time for tests those days… sorry.

I opened a short file in Stretch Life, it worked OK. Then I opened another, longer, file. It was not loaded (still the previous waveform but with another displayed range, previous sound too when played). So I closed Strech Life and when I reopened it, then the previously opened file was displayed.
.wav & .aif have the same behavior.

And to answer your question, it did open quite fast, much faster than before. So you’re on the right track!

Merci et bonne continuation,


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Thank you very much for your feedback! I’m fixing the loading problem I’ve just introduced :sweat:, as well as a couple of other things, and I’m publishing a new version so that as many people as possible can benefit from it quickly. And I’ll continue to work on the management of long audio files in future versions.

Thanks for your presentation. Does one of the plugin allow to change the dynamic and pitches of a sound according to another sound ? For example, to change the recording of wind according to the characteristics of the recording of waves of the sea ? Apparently Spectral morphing could do that but I am not sure.

Spectral Crossing or Spectral Morphing may be just what you’re looking for. Alternatively, Pitches Brew allows you to copy the pitch and/or the formant curves of one sound to another, which could also suit your needs. You can try out the plugins for yourself; the demo version generates silence periodically but is not time-limited. And if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you so much, I will try the demo versions!