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Antescofo v0.92+ and Sublimte Text Editor

Dear Antescofo users,

With the new release of v0.92 (on this link), all users can now enjoy using the free and popular Sublime Text Editor interactively on Antescofo scores (to Antescofo Max and Pd objects) and on Mac, Linux and Windows.

To enable this, you must also install the Antescofo Sublime Package. You can either use the popular Sublime Package Control for installation, or install manually from the project’s Github. Full documentation of features is available on both pages:

We strongly recommend using Sublime Text 3 to enjoy full features of this plugin!

A special “incomingosc 0/1” message to Antescofo objects in both Pd and Max will turn on incoming OSC port (default is 5678). The incoming port can be modified by either through Max’s object inspector or “incomingoscport” message followed by the desired port.

This also replaces the old JBLO syntax coloring by @juliablondeau.

For OSX users, this new functionality works perfectly in conjunction with AscoGraph’s score visualization. Whenever you change/save a score in Sublime, it will be automatically re-visualized in AscoGraph. Note that you can turn off AscoGraph’s own text editor from the application’s menu.

This feature should allow many composers to focus on their composition without quitting the text editor. You can :

  • Remotely load a score into Antescofo
  • Browse through score labels
  • Start a score or Startfromlabel
  • Remotely evaluate an action line or selection

Suggestions or feedbacks are warmly welcome on the Github project:

Dear Antescofo users,

For those intending to use Antescofo with Sublime Text Editor (on OSX, Windows and Linux), you can now install packages directly using Package Control. Here are instructions assuming that you have Sublime Text Editor installed.

  • Install Package Control in Sublime using instructions here: https://packagecontrol.io/installation
  • Press "CMD+Shift+P" in Sublime and choose "Package Control: Install Package"
  • In the menu, type in and choose Antescofo

The Antescofo Sublime package is automatically installed and will be automatically updated when newbies or corrections are submitted. On the bottom-right of the editor, you have the choice of using Antescofo as language, as well as two color-schemes in Sublime->Preferences->Color Schemes menu. Note that files with .asco.txt extensions are automatically recognized as Antescofo files. And moreover, you can enjoy all the shortcut keys to interact with Max/Pd as described here: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Antescofo

The Antescofo Sublime package is written in Python and open source. You can submit issues and requests here: https://github.com/arshiacont/antescofo-sublime-package

Sublime vs. AscoGraph text editor

We have put a lot of effort last year upgrading the text editor in AscoGraph. What we realized was that providing a text editor as powerful as Sublime or Atom is probably not where we want to spend our energy for you! The good news however is that in the latest version of AscoGraph, you can disable/hide the text editor and use it fully in conjunction with your favourite text editor such as Sublime. If a score is open in both, updating the Antescofo score in an external editor (by saving) will automatically update AscoGraph visualisations!

Moreover, the Antescofo package in Sublime provides interesting functionalities while browsing and editing the score by communicating with your max patches for evaluating actions (such as in Live Coding!).

@nadir-b has started a similar project for the Atom Editor and you are welcome to contribute: https://atom.io/themes/atom-antescofo-syntax


Sorry for the asynchronous respons concerning this project :

@nadir-b has started a similar project for the Atom Editor and you are welcome to contribute: https://atom.io/themes/atom-antescofo-syntax

Actually, I’ve noticed multiple downloads of the atom-antescofo-syntax theme but was not aware that the grammar package dependencies were not available in the Atom package install preference tab developed here :

Until it is hosted on the Atom site, here is attached a zip file with a folder to copy in the package directory of your Atom App.
Search this directory : /Users/your-home-directory-name/.atom/package using shift-command-G and place that folder.
Once Atom is launched, go to preferences packages’ tab and check language-antescofo is installed
Go to the install tab, choose the theme tab and search for atom-antescofo-syntax
Install and choose it in the theme contextual menu
Load an antescofo file


  • The shortcuts to communicate with the antescofo object are available but not programmed yet. Actually I need help to insert the json2osc or anything else to activate the OSC protocol.

  • You can tweak the colors (highlights) cf. Atom tutorials

  • This project is still in beta

Thanks for your insights and reports…


language-antescofo.zip (22.5 KB)

Hi Nadir and thanks for the great effort!

Do you have a repository like GitHub for this project? For example the Antescofo Sublime Package has a GitHub project here: https://github.com/arshiacont/antescofo-sublime-package
This allows others to post issues and eventually contribute to the code if they want! and @slemouton has already contributed to the Sublime package that many people use today… . Also, Sublime actually automatically pulls the latest version of the code from Github for installation using Package Control. I don’t know if a similar workflow exists in Atom. To make the story short, this allows people to contribute and also solves packaging!

It also allows me personally to contribute eventually to the code and revert back in case I do something stupid! :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

Hi Arshia,

Do you have a repository like GitHub for this project?

Concerning the syntax theme yes. you pointed it out above in this topic (once on the Atom site click on Repo). There are already some issues posted.

Better one can access the code in the Atom’s theme preferences’ Tab and tweak it at his convinience/colors (Cf. Atom Doc) which is only reflected on your local Atom/Package files ! So it’s useless tweaking this one on the github as one can do it, on his own, in the Atom Editor (Cf. Atom Doc)

Actually an official update is highlighted on that same Tab, each time the tweaked github Repo is published on the Atom Repo (on my side)

The most important one is the grammar and some other files still in developement attached in the previous post and published here : https://github.com/programLyrique/language-antescofo
This is the place anyone can contribute.

I for one think it has to be published on the Atom repo to be available as a “one click install” in the package Tab this time. Even if it’s not complete it works with the theme I posted, and we can have some reports… May be its ownership can be transfered to me so that I can handle the publishing and carry on…




I think you could have the grammar as a dependency of the theme (so we should upload also the grammar as a package).

The common practice for language packages seems to be have a main package with the grammar, the shortcuts to compile, to launch some analysis and so on, and some packages for the themes. But maybe having one theme already integrated with the “main” package is also interesting and easier for non-computer scientists…

Nadir, I have given you push rights to the repository.