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About the management of MIDI and its future

Dear Karim,

Here is what I get. I can access to it but I have this message as soon as I click on the MIDI-Mixer…

Here is the listener, I use the IAC bus for MIDI.

listener.txt (2,1 Ko)

When I launch a Bach export (Bach.score) and I get something like this POLY… You’ll notice the number of staves, I can hear everything on channel 1, port 0.

POLY-From-MyOrch.omp (185,6 Ko)

It’s supposed to be an orchestra… but there are far more than 16 channels. And everything on port 0 works, but I need a player with an orchestra that can manage the ports and channels…

Otherwise, about MIDI, can you tell us what you plan to keep and give up ? microplayer ?


Thank you in advance,

Kindest regards


Dear Jerome,

Will try to answer your multiple questions:

  1. Regarding the midi-mixer, it is strange it is working. Can you specify which iOM you are using, and on what plateform (catalina, etc…)
  2. About Bach export, you mean by this, exporting in Bach format from OM ?
    in this case, the poly you attached all its voices are on channel 1. So i doubt you get plenty of instruments… So maybe you must affect for each voice a channel ,

3)In general, our policy in the development of OM is to keep it compatible with all former versions. We don’t intent to retrieve, remove or give up on things already there. In the 6.17 version, we made an exception to this, by removing in the MIDI preferences some incoherent settings that made midi play false pitch. The code is there, and we are waiting for the correct moment to fix it. Now concerning microplayer, which by the way is a third party player no more compatible unfortunately with new MacOses and not at all compatible with other platform such as Linux and windows, we will keep this option opened for the time being waiting to have some feedback from microplayer developers.

Hope these answers your questions.



Point 1 : I can open it from the menu, but it crashes when I click on it !

Point 2 : ok, so how can I change the ports and the channels in POLY ? is there a tut ?

Point 3 : Many thanks for this info.

MacMini 2018, OSX Mojave, OM 6.17
I7 hexa-core 3,2 GHz
16 Go of RAM

I understand your policy, it’s a positive point of vue :slight_smile:


point 1): can you send me a screen shot of the panel before crash ? I suspect it is a midi configuration problem. It works for me on high sierra:

2) There is not tut to change a poly already at hand. YOu can (the easy way) open the poly, select in voice mode each voice, select channel and set it manually.
Or using a method. (will look into that , i have something like that but need some time).

OM > "ERROR: Illegal car (equal menuid (quote edit)) in compound form ((equal menuid (quote edit)) (om-make-menu “Edit” (remove nil (list (om-new-leafmenu “Undo” (function (lambda nil (undo win))) “z” (if (member “Undo” disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (list (om-new-leafmenu “Cut” (function (lambda nil (cut win))) “x” (if (member “Cut” disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu “Copy” (function (lambda nil (copy win))) “c” (if (member “Copy” disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu “Paste” (function (lambda nil (paste win))) “v” (if (member “Paste” disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu “Duplicate” (function (lambda nil (duplicate-window win))) “d” (if (member “Duplicate” disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu “Clear” (function (lambda nil (clear win))) nil (if (member “Clear” disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t))) (om-new-leafmenu “Select All” (function (lambda nil (select-all win))) “a” (if (member “Select All” disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (when (font-menu editor) (om-make-menu “Font…” (list (om-new-leafmenu “Bold” (function (lambda nil (edit-bold editor))) “B”) (om-new-leafmenu “Italics” (function (lambda nil (edit-italics editor))) “I”)))))))).

Call to om-lisp::om-error-handler
Call to invoke-debugger
Call to error
Interpreted call to make-om-menu
Call to (method get-menubar (editorview))
Call to om-add-menu-to-win
Call to (subfunction capi-cocoa-library::|%FOREIGN-CALLABLE/CAPI_COCOA_LIBRARY TOP_LEVEL_INTERFACE_REPRESENTATION ObjC instance method windowDidBecomeMain:| (fli:define-foreign-callable “CAPI_COCOA_LIBRARY TOP_LEVEL_INTERFACE_REPRESENTATION ObjC instance method windowDidBecomeMain:”))
Call to (subfunction 2 objc::make-invoke-function)
Call to objc::invoke-into*
Call to capi-cocoa-library::run-cocoa-event-loop
Call to mp::process-sg-function
Call to mp::run-main-process-once
Call to mp::multiprocessing-main-loop
Call to mp::shared-initialize-multiprocessing
Call to mp:initialize-multiprocessing

this time, I’ve closed the preferences, and the workspace window… Better…

essaye pareil chez moi ca marche. Cela doit certainement venir de ton driver IAC il n’y a pas d’autres explications. Peux-tu envoyer un screenshot de ton apple audio/midi preferences ?

OU , OU , il n’'y a rien qui traine dans ton dossier init ?

j’ai essayé avec le port virtuel de SimpleSynth, et j’ai le meme comportement…

voici ma config :

le dossier init… je crois que les fix sont de toi…


j’ai trouvé…

j’ai importé les tutos MIDI et MIDI-MIX-CONSOLE est ok… dans ce patch, le MIDI Mixer est ok
Patch 4…

Avec ces patches tout fonctionne

Salut Jerome,

J’ai bien regarder tes clips. Apparement ta distrib om lui manque des trucs. si tu regardes bien le menu de om il lui manque Presentation windows et le help menu. Je te conseille therefore de refaire une clean install de om617. et la cela devrait marche.


Salut Karim,

Une bonne nouvelle, tout est ok… les menus aussi sont de retour…

Je n’ai plus aucun probleme avec le Midi-Mixer… et mon bus IAC est ok

il n’y avait pas d’application ouverte a part OM, le MIDI est le même qu’hier… Je suspecte un conflit mais le trouver sera une autre affaire.… I keep on touch…

