OM > "ERROR: Illegal car (equal menuid (quote edit)) in compound form ((equal menuid (quote edit)) (om-make-menu \"Edit\" (remove nil (list (om-new-leafmenu \"Undo\" (function (lambda nil (undo win))) \"z\" (if (member \"Undo\" disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (list (om-new-leafmenu \"Cut\" (function (lambda nil (cut win))) \"x\" (if (member \"Cut\" disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu \"Copy\" (function (lambda nil (copy win))) \"c\" (if (member \"Copy\" disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu \"Paste\" (function (lambda nil (paste win))) \"v\" (if (member \"Paste\" disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu \"Duplicate\" (function (lambda nil (duplicate-window win))) \"d\" (if (member \"Duplicate\" disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (om-new-leafmenu \"Clear\" (function (lambda nil (clear win))) nil (if (member \"Clear\" disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t))) (om-new-leafmenu \"Select All\" (function (lambda nil (select-all win))) \"a\" (if (member \"Select All\" disable :test (quote string-equal)) nil t)) (when (font-menu editor) (om-make-menu \"Font...\" (list (om-new-leafmenu \"Bold\" (function (lambda nil (edit-bold editor))) \"B\") (om-new-leafmenu \"Italics\" (function (lambda nil (edit-italics editor))) \"I\")))))))). Call to om-lisp::om-error-handler Call to invoke-debugger Call to error Interpreted call to make-om-menu Call to (method get-menubar (editorview)) Call to om-add-menu-to-win Call to (subfunction capi-cocoa-library::|%FOREIGN-CALLABLE/CAPI_COCOA_LIBRARY TOP_LEVEL_INTERFACE_REPRESENTATION ObjC instance method windowDidBecomeMain:| (fli:define-foreign-callable \"CAPI_COCOA_LIBRARY TOP_LEVEL_INTERFACE_REPRESENTATION ObjC instance method windowDidBecomeMain:\")) Call to objc::|invoke (FUNCTION (OBJC-OBJECT-POINTER SEL) VOID)| Call to (subfunction 2 objc::make-invoke-function) Call to objc::invoke-into* Call to capi-cocoa-library::run-cocoa-event-loop Call to mp::process-sg-function Call to mp::run-main-process-once Call to mp::multiprocessing-main-loop Call to mp::shared-initialize-multiprocessing Call to mp:initialize-multiprocessing "