Has anyone made DIY head tracking with 6DOF?
I haven’t.
Is near-field binaural a better option than normal binaural decoding for this purpose?
Well, nearfield rendering can be interesting, if sources happen to be in the proximity of the listener’s head.
However, nearfield binaural is a somehow subtle effect. Make sure you have “properly tuned” the reverb first; that will likely be a predominant effect.
Also, be aware that nearfield effect will have a little additional CPU cost.
hoa.binaural~ is in another patcher.
As indicated in the help patcher, spat5.hoa.binaural~
is an unfinished prototype. I strongly recommend not to use it at the moment.
If you want to binaurally decode a HOA scene with Spat, you would first need to decode it for a layout of loudspeakers (e.g. with spat5.hoa.decoder~
), then virtualize these loudspeakers (e.g. with spat5.virtualspeakers~
Why does it take so long?
Because the file is large ? Which file are you using ?
SOFA data might be compressed, so it will take a short time to decompress; then, upon loading HRTF data, Spat builds a kd-tree to accelerate future query in the HRTF set. That can take a little time as well.
can I expect multiple listener option in new updates
It is unlikely.
But you can build your own patch with multiple renderers.
In which object(s) would you expect such a multiple listener option ?