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XML export to Sibelius


My Sibelius 7 doesn’t open XML files created (exported) by/from OM 6.8.

(0n the other side XML export from Sibelius 7 woks good, and even with quarter-tones.)

I already have the corr2b-musicxml.lisp file in my patches folder.

I am pretty in haste with my work, so, please if anybody has solution for my problems, please, let me know as soon as possible!

Many regards!


PS: I am sending all 3 XML files in different approximations: 1) original 8th tone; 2) quarter tone & 3) half tone.

fl-12-ET-approx.xml (659 KB)

can you attach the patch containing the voice you want to export ?

Hi Aliser,

Since i don’t have Sibelius i tried importing it in Finale 2012. And it opens , but it’s really weird. Jean is right, can you send us the patch or the voice at least to see what’s wrong with this export. Sometimes it could be tree programing that give this weirdedness.


Dear Karim, dear Jean,

I am sending the patch to you. The subpatches contains some of my functions created via graphical interface: rand-no-rep (subpatch:instrument-cl/goldcut-envelope), group-to-bpf & n-occasions (subpatch: n-occasions filter) as well as the function, which was kindly provided by Karim: select-tree (subpatch: voice posn rhtm filter), so I am sending it to you (without function provided by Karim). I hope this way you can open the patch and understand what it is about.

I really hope the xml ex-/import to/from OM will function in the future, because I am sure that lot of us users are depending on it. (I finished the piece I was writing, but impossibility to correctly export the score from OM to Sibelus and manual corrections I had consequently to make in Sibelius produced enormous amount of stress and waste labor.)

Since I use microtones in my composition (up to eight-tone approximation) and XML export to Sibelus supports only up to quarter-tones approximation, I am also very interested in xml-export from OM in smaller approximation. In Sibelus there is a solution (via plug-in) to have different TET divisions of an octave (including 48 ET) and it is possible to define it in House Style making so possible proper accidentals assignment, as well as (melodic) microtonal playback. Here I am sending the link to the site where microtonal plug-ins are explained and are available for free download: http://offtonic.com/sib/plugins.html#noteinfo

(I hope this can be of interest also for other OM users, especially the Offtonic N-TET 0.1.0. plug-in.) Since this Sibelus plug-in uses common accidentals (with and without brackets) to map the microtonal accidentals (beyond quarter-tones) I suppose it should be possible to make OM-export function which would enable microtonal export beyond quarter-tone approximation. (The appearance of the accidentals may be later solved through defining it in House style in Sibelius.) I think this would be of great help for OM users with the same demands as I.

Thank you very much for answering my question and all the best!


GROUP-TO-BPFxLxBxN.ome (6.17 KB)

Hi Aliser. Apparently we need another patch of yours : “filtering cl”

Dear Jean,

I put the patch “filtering-cl” inside of the “patch-for-Karim-and-Jean”, so if you open it, there should you find “filtering-cl” (and if not, then something went wrong during the transfer.) In any case here I’m sending the patch again. (I hope it works now.)

Thank you once more!

All the best!


filtering-cl.omp (7.66 MB)

ok. fyi when you put a blue/green patch inside another, the patch is not actually “included in it” (contrary to the “red” / internal subpatches)

See http://support.ircam.fr/docs/om/om6-manual/co/AbsBoxes.html

As i said ain’t got sibelius, but tested it on Finale.
And I spotted the problem.
I will look into that ASAP !

What’s not working is most probably the import xml from Sibelius and also the export .
THe BIG trouble are the tuplets made out of group in one group.
We can try either to fix it by simplifying the tree, or in directly in the code of the export xml.
I don’t know which is the simplest and least time consuming way.
I am looking into that.



Well i choose to fix the voice and not mess around with musicxml code for the time being.
So here is the fix :

-fixdblgrp.lisp to be put in the patches folder of OM Application folder
-aliser-fix.omp is the patch with just the original voice and its fix (you should pass it fixdbl-grp function)

  • the xml file is the result tested with Finale. Don’t know if Sibelius will be good with it, but i think so
    since the rhythm with these dbl groups were really surrealistic !

Hope it works for you !


aliser_fix.zip (18.8 KB)


I am having problems exporting xml from OM 6.18 to Sibelius Ultimate. After trying importing the xml file to Sibelius (which also creates error messages) I get some weird irregular groups that didn’t appear at my patch. Is it a problem of OM o Sibelius? Any idea how to fix it?

I attach some screenshots:

test_xml.omp (7.6 KB)

Thank you beforehand :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Guillermo,

  1. Did you try with OM 6.17?
    if this works, this means the fix is not for your version of Sibelius.
    Personally, i don’t own Sibelius, and work on Linux, so i cannot test all versions of sibelius to know how their parsers work and change.

If OM 6.17 works for you i will send you a fix to put in OM 6.18


Dear Karim,

thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately I am not able to try it right now on OM 6.17, since I upgraded to Big Sur, but I can tell you that this problem actually started when I upgraded to OM 6.17 (it never happened with OM 6.16). That time I could fix it partially with a fix file that Alan Perrin sent me (I haven’t try that solution yet, since I prefer to consult it here before):



Dear Guillermo,

Did you try to use the fix that Alan sent you?
What is strange though from 6.16 to 6.17 no changes in export-xml has been done.
The only one i did was in 6.18 related to this:

So, maybe putting Alan’s fix will work. If not, just tell me we can revert all to 6.16 code concerning xml

The reason of all this comes from the parsers. They are each deifferent. So ti is really difficult to find a standard that works for all versions and software…


Dear Karim.

I tried with Alan’s fix and it almost worked. As it happened before with his file, there is some little mistakes with missing slurs but for now it’s fine. Captura de pantalla 2021-02-14 a las 21.09.23

About OM6.16, since you said that though from 6.16 to 6.17 there were no changes in export-xml, I am asking myself if maybe I was running an earlier version before I updated to 6.17. I am not sure now…

Thanks Karim.



can you post alan’s fix so i could see what this is all about ?
tried yesterday with finale anf native code and it work although finale co;plained somehoe

thx in advance

Sure, here it is. Alan Perrin’s fix:

exportxml.lisp (35.1 KB)



1 Like

Great thx Guillermo
in fact this the export code from version 6.12 and apparently works a lot better on finale. Thx to your report we will most probably revert to thus version since it appears working for both Finale and sibelius. One las thing, could you plese send the voice or om patch of your example in order to fix the ties issue?
this will help a lot.

thx again

Of course, I attach the patch. It is just some voice/poly examples in order to test where is the mistake. Apparently the problem happens with sextuplets and septuplets, but I am not sure if also with other irregular groups. Thanks Karim.

test_xml.omp (34.7 KB)



thx Guillermo

very helpfull
will look into that ASAP
