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Hello everyone. I can´t open my OM program because of a mistake message: /WINDOWS/system32/omaudiolib.dll
When I continue opening the program, the next and last message (nothing else opens) is:
ERROR: In = of (1.1 I1.2.4I) argumets shoulb be of type number
Does anyone know how I can solve it?

Which Win verioon are you using?
Which version of OM sare you using?

7.4, In Windows. Anyway, I´ve tried to install several version and the problem goes on.

Please first uninstall, version 7.4
Then download latest version 7.5 from here (free):

Maybe after install you should reboot your system.

You didn’t specify your windows version?


I assume it worked?

No. It doesn’t work. :frowning:

What is your os version and your processor type?

Windows 10 Pro, 32 GB
I don’t know much about computers, but OM has been working fine for a long time. Something happened with a patch and now it’s impossible to reinstall it, because it doesn´t work.

Please can you be more specific?

  1. What patch?
  2. did you install version 7.5?
  3. do you have some error message? if yes can you post it?