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UVI player not recognizing downloaded ufs file

Dear fellow composers.

I purchased ircam solo instruments last week. I am really looking forward to using it, and cannot use it as the unzipped ufs file will not load in the machine.(no valid authorization found). It is registered and recognized by ilok and has been switched to my computer. I have opened the file the way recommended by the ircam team. (locating the folder containing the ufs file in the sound bank). I also have downloaded the demo files from ircam, to see if they open, which they do. therefore it is neither a licencing issue nor a faulty ircam work station. I am disappointed but will keep trying. Any advice would be really helpful. Thanks in advance.

Ircam Solo Instruments, is actually commercialized, distributed and maintained by a UVI which is a third-party company and different from Ircam. You should try getting in touch with the EVI Support Contact:

Thank you for your reply. Since posting here, I was given a link to download the updated file by uvi support, which was also incomplete, alomst half of the instruments have not been recognized by the UVI workstation. I have tried and retried to contact the uvi support, but they seem to be ignoring me now. I have bought an instrument that does not work, and have also wasted my money on a usb licence key that I dont use for anything else. I am disgusted.

Hi again Enda73,
As told by email, simply copy-paste the link instead of a direct click.
Sorry for the occurred inconvenience, there might be something with your connection as every users feel good around the world :wink:
Also, we did trade several emails since your first enquiry, we never left you on this case.
Note that the office is closed during the week-end, so that is normal you didn’t get any reply fro us since Friday… :wink:
Let me know by email if everything is fine now.

Hi again,

The situation is sorted out. The good people at Time and Space (uvi’s colleagues) sent me a working link.

I sent Time and Space the link that I was sent from uvi, and it would not open for them either. So the rest of the world can open this file with the exception of myself and the people in the office at Time and Space.

Perhaps you can get the link from Time and Space that works, and save someone else a couple of weeks going around in circles.

Time+Space used the link given by us to get the library…
They had copy-pasted the link in their internet browser instead of direct clicking, and it worked fine… :wink:
We’ve been in contact in parallel - we decided to create another link to help you out asap.
Anyway, glad to hear you are now ready to work.
Sorry for these troubles and the occurred inconvenience.

NB : I would say some days instead of a couple of weeks :wink:

Dear Thomas,

After a week of your advice, the situation was resolved by your colleague.
Notice his difficulty opening the same link to the file. And no, copying and pasting the earlier file was useless.

Im sure he managed to persuade you to do your job correctly.

Hope you keep the file that opens and discards all the other ones.

