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Using orchids on Virtual Machine

Hi everyone,

I like orchids, but obviously, it has been a long time since EL Capitan was en vogue. So, I booted up a virtualbox machine using a virtualized copy of El Capitan and it is working nicely. More orchids for me!

I see this forum is a little dead, but maybe if we do this we can keep it up.

You can set it up yourself (for free) using this tutorial: tech forum tutorial


a new version of the orchestration tool will be available soon in the Forum.

Hi Carmine,

Thanks for the update! I have been working with Ochidea also. Is it possible to set the output to be microtonal as it is in ORCHIDS?


Hi, Carmine!

Will be new version works as standalone on High Sierra or Mojave?


Dear all
The microtonal setting will be available soon but not in this first release. You will still get output tuning in c’è nts but not quantized to microtones.
The software will be distributed as max toolbox and will run on all systems supported by max 7 and 8.
More info soon.

Hi Carmine,

I was playing with Orchidea and was able to set microtonal settings in Bach, but does this mean that Orchidea.solve is not actually resolving microtones? The Bach tonedivision definitely realizes the output as microtonal. Is that incorrect?

I have sent a bug report, but I wanted to mention here that there is an error somewhere in the tam tam db file. Orchidea.solve cannot find the audio files to generate the realization.



thanks a lot for your comment on the Tam tam db. I’ll try to address the issue.
Regarding the microtonal output, you can indeed plot them as quantised by quarter tones, but the solution generated by Orchidea (audio) will be pitched to specific cents and not quantised. I’m trying to figure out a good way to address this issue too.

Do we need a full Max for the next version?


in principle you could run the toolbox from the Max runtime but the idea behind the new software is to provide a “language” for orchestration where you can compose your own version of it. So you could run the tutorials and demo patches but you will not be able to patch your own thing.


Hi Carmine,

I wanted to respond to your comment on the cents only as output. Unless you are planning on writing out whole number ratios, the cents resolution is almost as specific as you can get so it would seem you would be giving the user enough information. The only issue with the current cents resolution (in Orchidea) is that it does +/- 100 cents on a whole tone when one of the more common notation outputs is +/-50 cents to the semitone. But that seems to be a Bach issue.

I feature that would be great in Orchidea maxpackage is to keep the Orchids interactive solution/connection editing capability in the bach roll (i.e. the ability to drag the note lenths and make an edited connection file).


Hi again Carmine,

Just letting you know about the db: the tam tam .db file is in the wrong place. The db file is searching for /Percussion, but the .db file is under /CSOL_tam_tam.

I was able to make an a player that allows me to edit the roll and play it back with the database and compose with the sounds using the slot file info fairly easily. The only feature that I can’t make (but really need) is the ability to save the solution in a type that Orchidea can load back in to features and the catart. Since the .solve uses a stochastic process, if something happens while you are working (max crash?) you have all your connection files and the text summary, but your ability to browse them is lost? Maybe I am doing something stupid…


thanks a lot for the info. I’ll update the database soon, anyway.
Regarding the feature you ask for, I’m afraid is not possible to do now. I’ll consider it as a feature request.