Hello all,
I’m very new to the MuBu max library, so I’m not really sure about all of it is possible to do with it. I’m trying to create a database of sound descriptors values of buffers similar to the way the object <orchidea.features> works (giving a basic average value for each buffer descriptor) but using the ircamdescriptors.
Would it be possible for the objects in MuBu to calculate an avarage descriptor value for a buffer and output it in text form? I have only took an overlook at the mubu objects, and could only see offline calculation been shown through the object.
I also tried to use the <ircamdescriptors~> object, but its offline analysis outputs multiple values for the same descriptor of each buffer, and I couldn’t figure out what is the math behind the number of instances each buffer was analysed to then calculate the average value myself.
Any help would be much appreciated.