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Using MuBu to compute partials+residual analysis to use with mubu.additive~

Hello all,

I want to be able to record a sound, analyse it on-the-fly, then replay it (here the aim is transposition) with mubu.additive~. Is it possible ? Or do i need another software to compute the partial+residuals analysis ?
Thanks in advance !

Hi Vic, there’s a mubu example of additive resynthesis of spectra, using pipo.peaks. Put that into mubu.process and voilà…
Would be a good additional example, if you care to contribute.

hey! thanks, the example is quite near what i am looking for, but !..
i a looking for a more ‘offline’ and qualitative approach. The point is to loop a bit of audio in real-time, then once the loop is filled, to perform an analysis (of partials + residual/noise/stochastic kind) and then use the result of that analysis to play with the recorded loop via mubu.additive~ . The aim is to access a world of high quality transformations.
The problem here in the proposed example (i suppose you’re refering to additive-resynthesis in “examples” tab of MuBu-overview ?) is that the audio is chopped in real time, and there is a number of partials, but they don’t smoothly “slide” from the frequency in one analysis window to another analysis window. The peaks are different in frequency from one window to the next and they don’t interpolate. Another thing is that there is no “residual” or “stochastic” part of the sound analysis in this example. I suppose with something that would not be a “rolling” buffer that would be very feasible in MuBu, when i look at the list of pipo descriptors available, but i’m a little lost right now as to where to begin :smiley:

  • interpolation should be possible when providing harmonic indices.
  • residual is out of the scope of pipo.peaks.
  • check out the Partiels forum app, it has a high-quality analysis vamp plugin.
  • a mubu vamp host ist planned for the future.
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Ah, well, too bad. Partiels seems nice ! but unfortunately, for my use case (real-time performance, so needing stability, flexibility in control and interoperability with everything else i use which is in Max already), I won’t use a tool outside of Max. I will try to see how much i can do without residuals. But is there not another pipo operator which could give residual noise only, in order to combine it with the result of the pipo.peaks analysis ? Lastly, thanks anyway !

If you are interested in the {transient + noise + sinusoid} decomposition in real time, look at SuperVP for Max, with supervp.trans~ for example. You can then analyze/modify the sinusoidal part with MuBu and then “glue” the transients and the noise together.

hey, indeed supervp.scrub~ is what i was looking for all along =-)

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