I have an extensive library of algorithmic composition software written in Common Lisp and based on Cmmon Music, originally written by Drew Krause and now maintained by me. This is hosted at https://github.com/gogins/csound-extended/tree/develop/nudruz
This library has an extensive set of third party dependencies, which I have tamed by creating a nudruz.asd file that will load Drew’s code, Common Music, and all the dependencies. I have tested nudruz.asd using Steel Bank Common Lisp and it works reliably.
However, when I attempt to load nudruz into OpenMusic 6.13 on Ubuntu 17.10 from the Lisp editor using (asdf:load-system :nudruz) or (asdf-make :nudruz), literally nothing happens.
I see in the Ubuntu terminal that ASDF itself exists, reports its version (3.3.0), and allows its central-repository to be set, but that is all.
What can I do to enable loading systems with ASDF in Common Music?