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Unrecognized Architecture

Bonjour, after nine years I finally bought a new MacBook but unfortunately my favorite software component doesn’t recognize it (it’s an M4 Pro):

antescofo~: could not load due to incorrect architecture

I’m quite sure that it’s only because it doesn’t have the name of the system in its list.

Kai Yves

Hello Kyl.
You need to take an antescofo~ object for Silicon. The zip file on the Forum provides both architectures (Silicon and x86). For simplicity’s sake, antescofo objects are not “FAT” libraries and you need to put the correct version of the object in Max’s external directory or next to your patch.

Hello Jean-Louis, thank you for swift reply. Yes, I installed the Max external from antescofo–1.0-599–Max_OSXarm64–240511.dmg. uname -m in the terminal gives “arm64”, but maybe the string checked by antescofo~ is a different one. Kai Yves

Do you have several antescofo~ object in your Max path ?

In this case, the console has a warning messake similar to “you have multiple files in your search path with the name antescofo~.mxo”. If so, remove the unwanted antescofo~object from these paths.

If not, I am confused : the arm external is used routinely here.

You’re right, there was a second antescofo~ object. However, there was no warning “you have multiple files in your search path…”, but the offending x86 object had been copied by Max to my recent project. I wasn’t aware of that. Sorry for the confusion and thank you for the hint.