Am I right that the undo command is not working properly in OM7.5? I think this has already been noticed with an earlier version, but first, when you undo a delete, the objects come back without their previous connections, but then, even if you save the patch and the workspace, all that was first deleted will not be there anymore, even if it was seemingly back at the ‘undo’ step.
Thanks and all best,
No normally the undo command works and if you save the patch it will save the undo state of the patch. If you have a problem, please provide an example.
Please note that the undo command in OM works only once. There are no multiple levels of undo.
Dear Jimmie,
You’re right! something’s not working here with undo in a patch editing if you close the patch. However, if you use ‘Last Saved’ (in the contextual menu - right-clic) this restores the patch.
I will fix that.
Thank you for reporting this!!
Best wishes