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Tutorial Otemo

Bonjour Arshia,

Le problème du tutorial “Inlets” est réglé, merci beaucoup.

J’ai un petit problème quand je lance le tutorial Otemo. Il semble fonctionner, mais il y a plusieurs messages qui apparaissent dans la fenêtre Max :

Antescofo - Unable to forward to non-existing “otemo_preset”. Check your patch variables… .

Max message from line 25, characters 0 to line 26, characters 0

antescofo~ - Boltzmann temperature is set to -1.000000.

Antescofo - Unable to forward to non-existing “spat1Az”. Check your patch variables… .

Max message from line 38, characters 5 to line 39, characters 0

Antescofo - Unable to forward to non-existing “spat2Az”. Check your patch variables… .

Max message from line 39, characters 6 to line 40, characters 0

Antescofo - Unable to forward to non-existing “spat3Az”. Check your patch variables… .

Max message from line 40, characters 6 to line 41, characters 0

Antescofo - Unable to forward to non-existing “sfplay”. Check your patch variables… .

Max message from line 163, characters 6 to line 164, characters 0

Antescofo - Unable to forward to non-existing “sfplay”. Check your patch variables… .

Max message from line 164, characters 6 to line 165, characters 0

J’ai chargé l’objet “decaying-sinusoids”, comme indiqué.

Est-ce que ces messages indiquent un problème de fonctionnement, ou est-ce que ce n’est pas important ?

Meilleures salutations.

Denis Beuret


The warnings in the Otemo Demo in the help patch are NO PROBLEM. It’s because the score comes from the ORIGINAL Max patch of the Otemo piece (which is huge) involving spatialization, sound-file playback and much more. Those processings are not in the tutorial (otherwise it’d make it too big and less educational).

Those warning are basically telling you that there is no receive object for those specific actions. A good way to find typo bugs for example when you compose with Antescofo.

So you can ignore them for the demo, but pay attention to them for your own pieces! :slight_smile:


Merci pour ces éclaircissements.