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Touch OSC XY for catart-imubu

Hi–Am trying to control the xy of the catart-imubu with touch osc and thought if i’d find controlling x and y in the attrui list if I plugged it in to the catart-imbu. I can get the mouse output values but I’m not sure how to control the xy input values.

Ok figured out how to control via touchosc through one of the tutorials but when I create a floating window for imubu I can still control via touchosc but the red crosshairs disappear. Once I de-capsulate the window the crosshairs return. Everything that was originally going into the imubu when it was not in a window is being fed into the encapsulated window so not sure why the crosshairs aren’t there.

Hi Seraphim, great to hear you’re making progress!

The cursor can be made visible by double click (when in cursor tool), or via the inspector (which is saved). Check if some of the communication to imubu takes place via [pvar editor], which only works in the same patch.
