Dear Community,
I need some help: I’m totally confuse with a Problem of a Recursive Patch.
I try to make a Patch who calculated a Sequence of Keys.
So I have written the Function who calculate the Next Key / Note when the Last is given.
See the Patch FunctionFollower
So I have now the Next Note, so I have to give this Note back again to a other instance of this patch
So I have written a Patch who dos this recursively.
See Patch FunctionSpiner.
So this Patch needs now a Wrapper Patch who dos the first step.
So I have written two Wrapper Patchs.
The Patch Test is a simple modification on the FunctionSpiner Patch so that no more special first Input is needed.
The Patch Melodie_Constructor is the simple Try for the final Wraper aka the ready GUI for the Customer.
So that you could see the Patches here are a tar.gz ball with the Workspace
VersucheZurJazzHarmonic.tar.gz (409.7 KB)