I’m working on a duet for electric harp and electric guitar.
Antescofo seems to work fine, but i found in the Max window the two following messages :
too big forward in Markov - Forward = 39.04428, obs = 2.9898e-01, StateIn = 1.3059e+02 - event ( 4800 5500 5900 6500 ) var=0.3, PianoMode=0 , harm=() cuenum 121
too big forward in Markov - Forward = 452029057435452650808280178902428230701681366700613037943512238715497165618973659267253715366009478197428274662830243840.00000, obs = 7.9957e-02, StateIn = 5.6534e+120 - event ( 5700 ) var=0.3, PianoMode=0 , harm=() cuenum 182
When the first one appears Antescofo launches some curves, one of them is 2’ long
In the attachment the antescofo’s score excerpt ending with the chord event mentioned in the max window …
Thanks for all
extrait-score.rtf (10.7 KB)