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The details of pipo.onseg onset detection functions

Hi all,

I am trying to understand the algorithm behind pipo.onseg. There are four onset detection functions in pipo.onseg; however, I couldn’t tell how these functions are used. Can anybody point me the paper of the applied algorithm?

Thank you,

You’ll find some indications in the thread http://forumnet.ircam.fr/user-groups/mubu-for-max/forum/topic/pipo-onseg-example-documentation. Indeed, a little more documentation in MuBu/PiPo would be helpful. The help patches and the tutorial patches (in MuBu-Overview) which come with MuBu for Max are handsome and instructive, but a bit more detail in the reference documentation would help a lot.

By the way, if you’re into C++: you could checkout the code which is open source, made available recently for download (and contribution) on GitHub (https://github.com/Ircam-RnD/pipo).